• f u c k f a k e f r i e n d s •

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24th March 2020

"Girls, I know you're not in good terms but it's a big project. I mean you will work with Bazaar. An interview with Harper's Bazaar. You should accept this." said Thomas looking at us.

  "Thomas what are you expecting from me? Going there and act like I'm adoring this bitch." Dixie pointed me with her finger, I sent a kiss on air and winked at her.

  "Yeah, Thomas, why we have to do this with Lana? Wish Addison could come." said Avani.
Addison will be on a vacation project by Tommy Hillfhiger with Lopez Brothers.

  "I hate her." said Charli.

I put my middle finger up and looked at them. "You know what, I'm fresh out of fucks."
I left there and went near the pool. Everyone was on the beach, just Chase was sitting next to pool.

  "Why are you here?" I asked. "I came here to be alone, why don't you just go and play beach volleyball with your friends."

"I don't like beach. I hate sand on my body." he said.

I shrugged. "Anyways I'm gonna swim."

I took my tshirt off and jumped in the pool. When I came out of pool and sat on the edge of pool Chase came and sat too.

"Won't you swim?" I asked.

"Nope." he said. "I'm good."

Why is he here? "There is no point sitting here if you would not swim." I said.

"No there is." he said and leaned to my face. "Maybe I'm here just because of you."

He smashed his lips onto mine. "Forget about your boyfriend and meet me at the hotel room, I'm sure I can make you satisfied." I grabbed him from his shoulders and pushed him into water.

"What the hell are you doing?" I yelled and get up.

Then Charli, Ryland and Dixie came.

"What is going on?" asked Charli. "Why she is yelling again?"

"It's a normal thing she does." said Dixie.

Chase came out of pool. "She kissed me."

I looked at him with pure hate and anger. "What? Come on pussy, tell the truth." I yelled.

"Chase?" asked Charli. Of course she knows her boyfriend is a piece of shit.

"He kissed me and asked me to fuck with him." I said then looked at Chase again. "You little pathetic pussy pleaser."

Ryland hold my hand. "I can't believe Chase, I thought we were homies."

"Josh and Jaden was his homies too, but he couldn't keep his dick in his pants. He made moves on Nessa, Mads and now me." I looked at Charli. "Charli you deserve better. Kick this fuckers ass."

We sat in living room and talked about it. Charli broke up with Chase but she didn't believe.

"I'm sure you kissed him too. I know you Lana, you are not that innocent. First Kio, then Ryland, then Nick, now Chase. And we don't even know if you ever slept or kiss with Sway boys. Get the hell out of our lifes." she said.

"You know what, fuck you and your boyfriend." I said and went to my room.

Ryland came after me. "Nick, huh? Is this true? These hickeys, are these from Nick?"

"Yes." I said. "Any more questions?"

"No." he yelled and left my room slamming the door.


27th March 2020

"This photoshoot was terrible." said Avani. "We really faked like we are in good term with her."

We are in the car, turning back to home. I was sipping my cherry cola. I took a sip and looked at her. "That must be not that hard for you, Avani. Don't you always faking?"

"What the hell you're talking about?" she said.

"Come on. You are faking like you're loving Dixie and Charli. Confess, you always wanted to have Charli's hype. Aren't you faking when you're with Anthony. I'm their friend, I know exactly what happened in this house. I know the messages you sent to Jaden. We didn't tell anything to Anthony just because he is our friend and we don't want to make him upset.Yeah, you heard it right, she wanted to cheated on Anthony with Jaden. Actually Avani, I think you should keep your fucking mouth shut if you don't want me to expose everything I know about you." I said and took another sip from my cola. She didn't say anything. How could she do, I told her about her big crush, Jaden.

  When we turned back to home I layed on my bed and started to looking at my photos. Then Ryland came in.

   "Hey, Lana, can we talk?" he said sitting on my bed.

   "I'm listening Ryland." I said putting my phone down.

  "Look we haven't talk in three days and it was extremely stupid. I shouldn't do it, we weren't together when you had sex with Nick, I accused you cheating on me." he said.

  "We didn't. I was high that night, ecstasy. And he was drunk, we made out but I didn't have sex with him. We went to hotel room then he fell asleep, I remember, I wrote songs, then slept. I guess I settled accounts with yours, huh?" I said.

  "Are we in good terms?" he asked.

  I smiled. "Yes." He layed on my knees. "I love this."

  "What?" I asked.

  "Laying on knees and you play with my hair. Looking at your beautiful face. I love everything about you."

  I smiled. "I love you." I kissed his lips.

Then I went to my phone again. Saw the photos we took today and posted one.

 Saw the photos we took today and posted one

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Lanarae: all this bitches don't like me but their boyfriends do 💋
Jadenhossler: FACTS!!
Oliviaponton: This caption is everything.
Madslewis: OMFG, Lana I think I'm falling for you.
>Lanarae: I already fell for you. ❤️

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