• h i c k e y •

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I woke up next to Nick, in a hotel room. I looked around, tried to remember what happened last night but I couldn't. I wasn't naked, I woke Nick up.

"Why am I here with you?" he asked.

"I don't remember anything. Really not even a little detail." I said terrifically. "I'm not naked. I guess nothing happened between us." I said. I was in my skirt and bra.

"There is papers on the ground." said Nick. I get up and went there to look them. Then I laughed.

"Apparently I wrote couple songs last night." I said. "Actually looks good but I don't remember the melody." I sat on the floor and started to laughing.

"Seriously do you forget the melody?" asked Nick.

"Whatever, I will remember someday." I said and took the papers put them in my bag. I looked at Nick. " Do you think someone might saw us?"

"Probably." said Nick. "We are famous Lana, specially you. Of course someone would recognize us and took some photos."

"There is a hickey on your neck." I said.

"And on your neck and chest." he pointed my chest with his finger.

"Fuck." I mumbled and went to bathroom to see myself on the mirror.

   There was a lot of hickeys around my neck and chest and some bite marks on my collarbones. "Nick fucking Austin." I whispered. "He do be savage in the nights."

   I turned back to room. "I won't tell anyone about that but we had shooting soon, as you know. What if someone sees our hickeys? Do you know any cure that helps healing?" I asked.

  "I can ask Ryland. He probably knows." he said.

I rolled my eyes. "Forget about him. Put ice on it, it might be work."

I wore my tank top on. "I'm leaving, you can leave after me." I grabbed my bag and left the room.

  I called Jaden and told him exactly what happened.

  "I have hickeys but I don't know we had sex." I said. "Fuck. I was high and he was drunk. We both don't remember."

  "You said you were in your skirt. I don't think you would wear this after sex but you also said you wrote some songs, maybe after sex, that's why you were dressed up." he sighed. "I don't know, just take pills."

  "I will." I said. "Jaden lyrics are good but I can't fucking remember the melody. Damn, these would be good rock hits."

  "Don't worry, you will remember. Anyways Mads and I were about to go on a holiday for a month , we might engage after holiday." he said.

  "Fuck you Jaden, you saying this now? Wait you're too young, why are you engaging?" I asked.

  "Actually my mom wants us to break up. She said we are moving too fast, we are too young and just playing. We want to show her that we are serious." he said. "We need to go now, I will call you later." he said and hang up the phone.

  I went to house and found Michael, Calvin and Patrick. "Tell me what happened last night." I said.

   "I only remember that you took me to bathroom and give my some pills. I'm feeling like shit, what did you give me?" asked Patrick. He was looking awful.

  "Ecstasy. Mac.Don't worry not that bad." I said. "Do you guys remember something?" I pointed Calvin and Micheal with my finger.

  "I remember." said Micheal. "I saw you kissing with Nick, then Patrick told you find a room and you left the club. Don't worry I didn't tell anyone but I guess you guys made out, there is hickeys around your neck."

"Yes, I guess so. But nothing more happened, I was dressed up when I woke up. We were both drunk. I don't know." I said putting my hands thru my hair. "Can you give me a sweatshirt?" I asked them. "I don't want anyone to see my hickeys."

Patrick gave me one of his hoodies and I went to my room, didn't answer Addison's questions and went into bathroom to take a shower.

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