• h a l l o w e e n •

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31st October 2019

"I'm gonna be a fucking cop." I said.

"I'm gonna be a vampire we will be twin with Mads tonight." said Addison.

  "What about you being a vampire cop?" Mads glared at me.

"Come on it's so stupid. I will not be a vampire cop." I said.

Twenty minutes later I was standing in front of mirror staring at me wearing fake vampire teeth and a cop uniform.

"Kio I'm on my way coming the party but there is a little change about my costume. I'm still wearing police uniform but girls made me wear vampire teeth." I said him thru the phone, sitting in the backseat of Mads's jeep.

"Okay love, be hurry please, everyone is here except you." he said.

"I'm sorry but I had to wait for Addison and Mads, you know them.Anyways I'm on my way."

I saw Ryland as I step up in the party. He wore a vampire costume but I didn't looked so much.He looked at me, I tried to ignore him and walked faster to reach my friends, he was coming after me but when I reach Anthony Griffin and Kio he stopped.

   "Hi boys." I said sitting and wrapping my arm around Kio's neck.

"Let me introduce you Avani." said Anthony and we met with her.

I posted some photos we took today.

                (can we imagine Tayler as Kio?)

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                (can we imagine Tayler as Kio?)

                (can we imagine Tayler as Kio?)

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   Lanarae: Your fav couples.
Kiocyr: First one is my favorite couple
>Lanarae: Mine is second, look at my babies @Madslewis @Jadenhossler
Madslewis: I heart it
Jadenhossler: I look so ugly next to Mads.
Rylandstorms: *Wants to be vampire like me but her husband wants her to be a fucking cop.*
>Lanarae: *Wants to be a fucking cop then her sister made her wear vampire teeth*
Addisonrae: Ugh where is me and Bryce?
>Lanarae: You weren't there when I took this photos. 🙄

   "What is wrong with this Ryland dude?" said Kio.

  "I don't know but he is quite annoying." I said.

  Then we saw Ryland walking to us. He sat opposite chair and started to staring at us. Please don't say anything to us Ryland, I don't wanna fight.

   "What is wrong with you?" asked Kio to Ryland. "Why are you staring at us?"

  Griffin and Josh came and stand behind Kio.

  "I can stare anywhere I want." said Ryland. "I don't have to apologize for this."

  "Yes but you should apologize for commenting on my girlfriend. You are disturbing her." said Kio.

  "He is right but I don't want problem. Just please leave Ryland." I said.

   He laughed. "I remember you told me that the night we kissed too."


  I looked at Kio. "No, it didn't happen."

  "You went too far Ryland. You are our friend and we don't wanna fight with you. Leave Lana alone and leave the party. I hope you are drunk." said Griffin.

"Let me tell you what happened that night Ryland is talking about. I was in the upstairs and then he pulled me to a room. He talked shit and he was high. Then I wanted to leave but he kissed me. I didn't do anything. I didn't mention that cause he was high but he keep commenting on my posts." I said.

  "You know what, I can easily say that you don't love Kio. Why don't you just leave and set him free?" asked Ryland. I remembered my dream and blushed.

   "Ryland shut the fuck up."  yelled Kio. Suddenly everyone started to watching us. Oh fuck, I don't want fight.

    "Can you please stop beefing each other? It's too stupid." I looked at the crowd. "Party is over. Leave now. You too Ryland."

  Ryland came closer to me. "Why are you acting like that even though you know I'm telling the truth?" he leaned forward to my face. "Don't you love me?"

  I saw Anthony talking with Kio. "Kio you are both drunk, he is Ryland, our friend. I think you should talk about this later."

  "Nope Kio." said Bryce. "We are here and we are your friends. If you wanna beat this pussy we will help you."

  "I don't love you Ryland. I tried to make you leave  but apparently you won't understand without a fight." I said.

  Then they started to fighting. Kio, Jaden, Bryce, Griffin, Josh vs Ryland, Nick, Chase, Micheal, Patrick and Calvin.

  Addison, Anthony and Thomas were trying to make them stop but Mads and I were just watching.
"He really loves you." said Mads. "Kio."

   Yes and that's why I need to leave him without hurting much.

c • r • u • s • h // ryland stormsWhere stories live. Discover now