• c o p y c a t •

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30th November 2019

"Why don't you be a part of Hype House?" asked Thomas. "It would be good if we have twins in house. Also you have 3 million on Tiktok, that's quite good number of followers."

"I don't know Thomas. I mean it's cool but I cannot say yes or no now. Can you give me two days?" I said. We are talking on phone.

   "Okay, let me know if you join or not." we ended the call.

    "Who were you talking?" said Addison.

    "Thomas." I said.

    "Why? Couldn't he reach me? It's weird my phone was open." she said.

     "No, Addison he called me.He wanted to talk with me." I said.

"Oh, I'm sorry. What did he say?" she asked.

"He invited me to Hype House." I said. "He asked me to be a part of Hype House."

She hugged me. "Aww Lana, look how far you came. I'm proud of you."

Did she meant "you have all of this thanks to me." ? She hugged me like she disgusted, did she? Am I becoming paranoid? I hugged her back.
"Thank you."

"Will you accept?" asked Addison.

"I don't know.I might be a part of Bryce's house." I said.

Addison held my hands. "Don't be stupid. Hype house has Charli,Dixie and Chase. They got all the hype, you keep saying you wanna be famous, here is your chance. Bryce, Jaden and Mads was temporary, they helped us but now we need to do bigger moves."

I get up from bed. "Leaving our friends, is it your big move?No thanks, I'll pass."

I slammed the door and left the room. I called Kio.

"Hey babe, what's up?" he said.

  "Kio, can you please come and pick me up, I'm not feeling good." I said.

  "Okay, I'm coming." he said.

I turned back to room and took my stuff. Addison came and hold my arm. "Can we talk?"

  "Yes Addison, we can talk." I said.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean that." she said.

"Addison that was so bad. Look how you turn into our mother. If you ever thought leaving our friend group that means you can easily leave me too. I'm a bit sorry and angry now, can we please talk later?"

  "Yes." she said. I was leaving the room but she stopped me. "No, we can't talk later. We should speak now. Look I'm sorry that I have to confess this but I already knew that you are jealous of me. You always wanted to be me. But I can understand you, I was you I wanna be me too. You became a cheerleader thanks to me, you became a Tiktoker thanks to me, you became a famous thanks to me, you will be a member of Hype House thanks to me. The friend group that you're talking about, you even have this group thanks to me. Look at you Lana, I invented you. You have all this thanks to me. You owe your life to me. You are nothing without me."

I felt my blood is boiling. "Fuck you Addison.I hate you.I really hate you. I'm not owe my life to you, you didn't invent me. You changed Addison, fame is not good for you. Look at the person you became. I feel bad for you, hope soon you'll get better."

  Addison started to talk but I couldn't even hear her.There was a voice in my head keep telling I should kill her. "It's easy." it said. "There is a lot of ways, push her down from window, hit her head to wall, push her down to floor and made her hit her head to a hard place, break the mirror and use a glass piece as a knife."

     "Shut up." I whispered to myself but it keep talking. "They are all trying to put you down Lana, they are afraid of you. Remember the Lana in the highschool. You would disappoint her. She was powerful, she was scary and she was such a icon. She was a badass bitch. You are just a coward crybaby."

  "Shut the fuck up." I screamed while pulling my own hair. Addison scared and she stepped back.
"Are you okay Lana?" she asked.

  I looked at her into her eyes with full of anger in my eyes. "I'm so far away from being okay. I'm leaving, don't call me."

   I left the room and started to waiting for Kio in the garden. When he came and jumped in to his car and he started to drive.

  "Will you tell me what happened or should I keep my mouth shut?" he asked.

  "Classic sister arguement but she went too far. She told me things that she shouldn't said. I'm too angry now, I promise I will tell you everything but I need time for ease the anger." I said.

  "Okay, where do you wanna go? I guess you don't wanna go home, huh?" he said.

  "Actually it's cold outside. I just wanna spend my all day with my friends inside."

  "Okay." he said and we went to house.


    "I found a name for our house." said Bryce.

    "Really? What is it?" I asked.

    "Sway House. Isn't it too cool?" Bryce smiled.

    "Yeah I like it." I said.

    Then I told them about what Addison said to me except leaving our group thing.

    "Fame changed her a lot." said Griffin. "She even left us."

    Other boys nodded. "Pray the god for her." said Kio.

   I laughed. "God? He doesn't love me. To be honest I don't like him too."

  "Yeah, he was always too rude to me." said Bryce.

   We sat a while in the living room then everyone went to their rooms for sleeping.

   As I entered to room and took my pullover off, standing just with sweatpants and my bra Kio came and hugged me from behind. He kissed my neck.
"I love you Lana."

  I turned my face to him. He looked at my chest and smirked. I wrapped my arms around his neck. "Did I make you horny babe?"

  He nodded and licked his lips. Then he smashed his lips on mines. Our kiss went deeper and deeper, he put his hands to my hips and I wrapped my legs around his torso. He carried me to bed.

   As I layed down to bed he took his shirt off and started to make noticeable hickeys around my neck, my collarbones and my chest...

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