• p r o b a b l y •

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    "I lied to you. The day when I was partying with my friends I met with a girl, Jennie. I made out with her, that was a mistake. I'm accepting this, that's my fault, it should have never happened. After that she asked me to go her house but I rejected. I swear to God, nothing more happened between us. After that I really stayed in friends house. Then I went to my childhood home, I didn't want you to come cause my mom doesn't like you. She doesn't want to meet with you and she was about to die, she didn't want you there. I'm sorry, I don't know why but she thinks you are devil. I'm really really sorry, she is too old and she is loosing her mind. But the night when I told you my car broke down it wasn't. I mean, Jennie, she broke it down. She asked me if I want her or not, I told her that night was a mistake and I'm glad we didn't have sex, I tried to get rid of her but she broke my car. I found a car fixer, get my car done and turned back to you. Apparently she called you and talked bullshit. The watch that you gave to me I dropped it in car, not in her house, I never been there."

When he was talking I just examined his face. He is pretty when he is lying. Of course I knew that was all lies but I wanted to believe so I did.

"I believe you." I said.

"What?" he suprised.

"I believe you." I leaned to his face and smashed my lips onto his. I sat on his lap and we started to made out on the beach.

"We can go to your room. I'm staying with Addison." I said.

"Okay." he smirked and hold my hand. We went to his room.

I took my shirt off and he made me lay down on the bed. "Fuck, no bra, huh? That's hot."
He started to kissing my naked chest. "These hickeys." he said. "I'm not gonna ask anything about it."

"Yeah, don't ask." I said. "You don't wanna know it."


14th March 2020

"Bryce I think she is gonna text you today, I talked with her last night and she said 'Sebastian is nice but no one does like Bryce.'This might be your last chance. Don't miss it." I said to Bryce.

"When you will turn back to LA?" he asked. "It would be better if we talk with Addison face to face."

  "I don't know. Maybe in April?" I said. I heard someone is coming to my room. "Someone is coming, I need to go."

  I hang up the phone and Ryland came in. I was sitting on the bed and he layed resting his head on my knees. He closed his eyes and I looked at his handsome face. His white and perfect skin looks good with my tan skin. His hairs are a light brown looking like golden. I put my hand on his face and brushed his cheek with my thumb.

  "I'm bored in the house." he said.

  "We can go for a ride." I said. "Sun is about to going down. Let's go and explore the Italy."

  "Okay." he said. "Sounds good."

  I put a pillow under his head and get up, changed my outfit and put some makeup on. We left the house and went to my car.

  I started to drive, we ride for hours, in Italy streets.

   We stopped at a beautiful cliff with a beautiful view. Started to staring at the view and drinking beer. Ryland handed me marijuana cigarettes. "Wanna smoke?"

  I grabbed it and smoked. We sat on the edge of the cliff for nearly a half hour without talking.Then I broke the silence. "Will you cheat on me again?"

  "Probably." He said. "Will you forgive me again?"

My eyes watered, sight became blurry. A tear went down to my cheek, I wiped it and looked at his face.



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