• m a r r i a g e •

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11st May 2021

"This photos are so cute." I said, I was laying my head on Bryce's knees, in the backyard, boys were in the pool. I was looking at Bryce's photo gallery."Can I post them on my account?"

"Of course." he said, he was playing with my hair, rubbing my head softly.

I noticed that he deleted Addison's photos from his phone. "Did you delete the nudes?" I asked.

"Yes." he said looking at me, into my eyes.

"But you said it was the only way to keep me close to you." I said holding his hand.

"It used be. Not anymore. You fell in love with me and I'm trusting your love." he kissed me.

Jaden threw a ball to our heads. "Stop it and come to pool. You can make out later in your room, not in public."

I laughed. "All this bitches are jealous."

"I know what you would be doing if Mads was here." Bryce said to Jaden.

I posted photos and we jumped into pool.

 I posted photos and we jumped into pool

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lanarae: most precious men in my life, don't take it Blake, I posted the second photo cause Bryce was so cute <3
blakegray: nobody loves me...
>lanarae: who could love you?
>ameliezilber: I could 🥺
>lanarae: wait, Amelie you're looking like this and you are simping for Blake? Don't waste your beauty with this fucking monkey faced Blake, girl.
>blakegray: hey Bryce just break up with her and stop wasting your beauty with this fucking donkey faced Lana.
>brycehall:I will spend the rest of my life looking that amazing face.
Madslewis: My man is the coolest.
>lanarae: yess, for sure.
noahbeck: I thought we were besties too 😔
>lanarae: sad, broke and mad bitch
>dixiedamelio: you forgot to tagging me @lanarae
Avani: I guess this three fucked you.
>Avani: plus ryland nick and kio
lanarae: you are mad and lying cause I fucked your  plans about beauty company. Aww, poor Vani.
jadenhossler: hey thank you for making me famous.
>lanarae: bro you made me famous


  "We cannot trust him." I said to Jaden, we were sitting in Jaden's room. "It could be a test, just to see if I leave him or not. I mean I would do that if I were Bryce. I have to keep pretending."

  "Till when Lana? It hurts me that see my sister in pain, I can see the hate and disguss in your eyes when you're looking at Bryce and he called that loving eyes. There is no end for this game." said Jaden.

  "I will break up with him on Addison's gala.Then we will never see each other cause I'm gonna kill him." I said then Josh came into room. "Hey bro, I just wanted to borrow your charger."

  "Take it." said Jaden. Then he turned to me. "Lana you're only 20, you shouldn't be married."

I understand what he is doing, basically Josh means everything to Bryce just as Jaden to me. He will tell everything we speak.

  "But I'm sure about my love and Bryce's love. I told you Jaden, nobody loved me like this. I can feel it, it's real."

  I guess we caught Josh's attention, he stopped and started to listening us, when I looked at him he started to looking for charger, again. "Bro, I just can't find."

I get up from bed and gave the charger to Josh. "Next time if you wanna join the chat, just join the chat."

  "I'm sorry." he said. "I wasn't listening till I heard the word marriage.Do you want to marry Bryce?"

  I smiled. "Don't tell him, I want it to be a suprise."

"Wow, I guess you were right, change is a powerful thing." he said and left the room.

"No way." I said. "Bryce is telling him every single word we talked."

"They were always like this. Josh is just like version 0.2 of Bryce. I think he will take Bryce's place when Bryce dies."

I laughed. "This marriage thing, you're a genius."

"Of course ma'am." said Jaden.


  "Love, today I told you, there is no need to keep Addison's nudes, I'm trusting your love.Remember?" asked Bryce when we were in the bed.

"Yes,I do."

"I deleted, all of them.Every single copies.Cause I think I found my true love and keeping this just means I don't trust you. I want trust in our relationship." said Bryce?

Thank you Jadem, you saved my life.But should I trust him? Is he lying? What should I do? Can I leave now? What if it's all a trick, he is trying to get me. Just keep pretending Lana, you did this for a very long time, now do it for a week.

  "That's everything." I said. "I guess for the first time I'm feeling this way. I'm feeling a deeply trust for you even though everything you did to me. I love you Bryce."

  "I love you too, babygirl." he pulled me closer and kissed me. I sat on his lap, we didn't break the kiss, turned it into a make out session.

  "I have a lot of songs for you. I will release my album soon." I said.

  He grabbed my hips. "I'm dying to hear them." Then he took my tshirt off and started to sucking and biting my neck...

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