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28th September 2021

"Hi bitch!"

Yeah mommy, that's a wonderful way to start a conversation with your own daughter.

"Mom you can be more nice to her." said Addison.

"I've always wanted her to be nice as you but she never was so I don't see anything wrong in my attitude to her." said my mom.

  Addison sat next to me and hold my hand. I smiled, my vision was blurry. It's something from our childhood, Addison was the perfect kid, I was not. I used to played football in the house and broke the glass, set the carpets on fire, cut Addison's or my hair, paint the television, paint Addison to purple with acrylic paint... So obviously I was mischievous. When I did something bad and when my mom and dad found out and they started to yelling at me, Addison was always holding my hand to calm me down.

"Also I didn't lie. I can't keep up with who she hooked up with.She is always out with someone new which makes her a bitch."said my mom. This was the last drop. I'm done with this respect to your mom thing.

"Oh, you don't hook with guys but you're still a bitch." I said. "Why did you come to LA, what do you want?"

"You're my daughter and I won't let you to marry with Ryland." she said.

"Did I ask for your opinion?" I said.

"Stop misbehaving. I'm your mother, pay me respect." she yelled.

"You're not my mom, I don't pay respect to hoes." I get up. "I'm done with this conversation. Bye Addison."

I was leaving then Addison came after me. "Is it true that you'll get married?"

"Yes." I said. "On my birthday.The wedding will be in my house.Please come Addison, it's been too long and we stopped talking for no reason." I hold her hands. "I'm begging you, please come. At least I can say 'My family is here.' in my wedding."

   She looked at me, her eyes were glossy. She squeezed my hands. "Okay, I'll come to your wedding."

  I hugged her but she didn't hug me back. "Now leave, Lana. I need to talk with mom." she said and went to her backyard.

  I went to my car and started to drive home. Jaden come to me as I entered the house. "Amelie said Addison called you. What happened?"

"Sheri came." I said while we were walking near to everyone.

  "What did she say?" asked Ryland.

"Same things. She said she is extremely happy for us." I said.

  "I don't want you to be in bad terms with your family because of me." said Ryland putting his hands on my waist.

  "Ryland, I have been in bad terms with my family since the day I was born. I don't care about them, my family is Addison, my friends and you." I gave him a peck on lips.

  "By the way, Addison will be joining to our wedding." I said happily.

  "Are you serious?" said Ryland. "I'm so happy for you."

  I was happy too till I saw him winking at Jaden...

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