• r y l a n d ' s p o v •

907 22 4

20th September 2021

I woke up sun hitting my eyes. I turned my face to Lana, she was sleeping in my arms. I looked at her beautiful face. Then suddenly I remembered the conversation I had with Jaden last night.

I was sitting in home with Avani. She was laying on my knees and we were watching a movie. Actually she was watching, I was looking Lana's photos in my phone. Well she was right about the lyric. "When you're looking at my photos
Getting hot, losing control"

Then Jaden called me. "Avani I need to answer that, it's important. Can you please get off my knees?" I said.

"Of course my baby boo." she said. Baby boo? What? Avani I would never date you if your house wasn't that big. I went to kitchen. "Hey bro, I thought you'd never call after what happened with Lana." I said.

   "Yeah I wouldn't." he said. "But this is about Lana. It's so important, it's an emergency, can we meet and talk?"

  "Okay." I said. "You know Lana is my achilles heel. Where we will meet?"

  "Come to Sway. In the house paparazzi cannot see us." he said and I went to Sway House.

  "Look, Lana is too important for me and I love her so much. I would never call you if I wasn't have to. This is about Lana. I think you know how much she loves you."

   "I love her too, Jaden. I know I made a lot mistakes, I know I ruined her but in the last chance she gave to me, I didn't do anything wrong. I never cheated, never lied. I was loyal to her. I really love her I even asked her to marry me. But when I heard she kissed Noah I just lost my control. Now I can understand how much I hurt her everytime I cheated on her. I'm regretting but regret doesn't help with anything. I lost her."  I said.

  "Well, probably you didn't loose her.She is still into you. It's clear to see. If you love her too much, I will ask you to do something for her."

  I look Jaden into his eyes. "I will do anything."

"Come to her party tonight. She needs you. I'll tell you everything in there." he said.

"She didn't invite me." I said sadly. Yeah, she invited everyone, even Avani but me.

"Well, as her producer and brother, I'm inviting you." he put his hand to my shoulder. "Please come Ryland.We have to save her."

  Then I went to party and found Jaden. We took a room in the house and started to talking.

  "There is something I want to show you." he said holding a paper.

  "What is this?" I asked. He put the paper on the table. I started to read. Tears went down from my eyes with every word I read. "I don't believe. This can't be true."

  "She wrote it. I found it in her diary. I guess she had a hard time, she was thinking about ending her life but she didn't. I don't know if she tries again. She needs you Ryland. She needs to be loved by you. If you love her just show her some love." he was crying. "Please. I don't want to loose her."

  "I don't want to loose her too. I'll talk to her. I promise I'll be with her everytime and never let her down. If she dies, I just can't live." I said in my tears.

"I talked with Addison too but she didn't want to make peace." said Jaden.

"I'll talk to her. You see, I'll convince her." I said. "Can I take a picture of this letter?" I never asked with bad intentions, I just wanted to show it to Addison.

"No." said Jaden. "Wish I could trust you but no. I won't let anyone to take a picture of anything right after what Bryce did to Lana."

"What Bryce did to Lana?" I asked. The best guess is probably he had a picture of something private, something should never be post and he blackmailed her.

"I cannot tell you." said Jaden. Then suddenly door opened and I saw Lana standing in front of me.

She asked us what we were talking and we lied. Then she asked me if my marriage proposal is still valid, I couldn't be more happy. I pulled out the ring that I've been keeping since the day she threw it to my face, and put it on her finger then we kissed.

  Kissing her again was just like a reborn to me. Just like I've been running out of oxygen and I was about to die but her kiss saved me. I realized again how much I miss her and how much I need her.

I kissed the top of her head, I didn't mean to wake her up but she woke up. She looked at my face and smiled. "Morning." she said in her raspy voice. She wrapped her arms around my waist and burried her to my chest. "I love you."

I smiled. "I love you too babygirl." Everytime I look to her eyes, my heart is cracking with the fact that she acted like she was happy when she was dead inside and all this times I didn't even realize. God, what would I do if she was dead? Even thinking about it just crashes my heart. I'm nothing but a brainless motherfucker. How I didn't realize she is not happy as she seems? I was even happy that she forget me totally and moved on. I was happy for her. I was happy cause I was thinking like Thank God, I won't see her sad again. God, I'm begging you, if you will take her, take me instead.
I don't wanna see her death.

   "What about going outside for breakfast?" she asked. "There is such a nice place in Malibu, we go there and have breakfast with the sea view."

  "Sure." I said and kissed her again. "I'll go with you anywhere."

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