• y o u a r e m y g i r l •

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  After dinner, we went to Sway House. I took my baggage and went to guest room to put my clothes in closet but Bryce came after me. "What are you doing, babe?"

   I rolled my eyes.
"Do you have to pretend like we are lovers even when we're alone?"

He locked the door and came closer to me.
"We are lovers Lana, I guess you don't understand.Let me show you how." He pulled me close to him and kissed me. "See, I can do anything I want to do to you."

"Why are  you doing this? If you're in love with Addison just like you said, then why you're using me? Actually my body. Bryce I'm begging you, please let me go." I said.

  He grabbed my wrist and pushed me to bed. Then he leaned to my face.

   "Yeah, I'm in love with Addison. That's why I'm keeping you close.Anyway you're my girl, you need to stay in my room." he said and get up. I get up too and started to packing my clothes, again.

"Let me help you carry your stuff to my room." he said and hugged me behind, kissed my neck. Oh God, why is my skin not poisonous?

"Yeah,help me." I said. Maybe he can fall off the stairs while carrying my stuff.

We went to his room. Then I went to living room to sit with Josh,Griffin and Jaden. Then I saw Quinton and Blake sitting with them. I sat and hugged Jaden. "You are the most lucky kid in the world. You have a bestie like me, your girlfriend is Mads the queen and you have a chance like living in the same house with me."

He hit my head. "You're the most lucky kid cause you have a bestie like me."

We laughed, then Quinton looked at me. "You look like friends since 5th grade."

"It's been only one year." I said.

"What about Bryce?" asked Blake. No, no don't do it Blake. "Since when you're dating?" Fuck you, Blake.

I closed my eyes but I can feel Griffin's, Josh's and Jaden's eyes on me. "Dating?" asked Griffin.

"No." said Josh. "It's her twin. Addison. She dated with Bryce but they are not together anymore as I know."

"Yeah, they are looking alike, same actually but Addison has light brown hair, Lana has dark brown hair, like black." said Jaden. "Addison used to have blonde hair, this times was easier."

"Nope." said Quinton. "I know Addison. It was Lana. Don't you come to dinner with Bryce?" asked Quinton to me.

"Yeah. That's true." I said.

"What?" yelled Griffin.

"You gotta be fucking kidding." said Jaden.

"Fuck." yelled Josh.

"Is it not joke?" asked Griffin. I nodded. "Like, you're serious." I nodded again.

"Why?" yelled Jaden. "How the fuck did it happen?"

"Ask Bryce." I said and left the room, went to backyard, then I saw Kio, he was talking with Noah.

"Heyy." I said and hugged him. "What's up?"

He smiled. "I didn't know you're here."

"I just came." I said. "Plus I will live here."

He suprised and smiled bigger. "Like, full time?"

"I'm the first Sway Girl bitch." I said dramatically.We both laughed.

"How did it happen?" asked Kio. "I mean you've been our friend since the last september but you waited one year to be an official member."

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