• r y l a n d f u c k i n g s t o r m s •

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11st March 2020

"Nobody loves you and wants you in this house. Why don't you just leave and give us some peace." said Dixie.

  "Will you shut your fucking mouth up or do I have to choke you with my hands?" I said making a smoothie in a blender.

   "Does your ankle hurt?" asked Charli to Avani.
Yeah, she came too. What a suprise!

   "Thanks to Lana." she said.

  Charli looked at me with hateful eyes.

"Will you really act like I throw her from stairs or do I have to throw her really so you don't have to lie?" I said.

  Avani rolled her eyes.

"If you ever roll your eyes at me one more time I'm gonna rip your head off and put it in this blender." I said pouring smoothie in the bowl.

Charli, Avani and Dixie started to talking about how much they hate me.
  I put my middle finger up. "You know what, suck my dick." I left the kitchen and sat on the beach to see the stars eating my smoothie.

  Someone drop a cover on my shoulders. "Cold night, huh?"

  I saw Patrick sitting next to me.

"Do you wanna taste?" I said showing my smoothie.
   "Looks delicious." he said and he took a spoon of it.

  "You didn't talk with Ryland. You didn't leave your room all day.Don't you wanna see his face? I want to hear the real answer. I guess if you would really hate him you would fight him already. You don't wanna see him, you're escaping from him because you still love him, am I right?" he asked.

  "I'm narcoleptic. I'm sleeping during day time and awake in the night time." I said. That's true but I'm escaping for Ryland cause if I see him, I would kiss him.

  "Okay then." he said. "I guess you want me to leave, huh?"

  "It would be good if I could stay alone." I said and he left.

   I was sitting alone and thinking about a song. It usually happens to me. Suddenly lyrics start to came to my mind with a melody and that's kind of this moments.

   Jaden says it's God talking with us. But I'm not sure if he loves me or not.

  I closed my eyes and started to singing along.Then felt someone sitting next to me and I jumped with a scare.

  "Don't be scared, it's just me." said Ryland putting his hands to my shoulders.

  "Don't touch me." I said leaning back. "I don't wanna see you. Why did you come?"

  "Your eyes are watering." said Ryland.

  "Well, you're a good observer." I said. "Seriously Ryland, can you just fuck off?"

  "No." he said. "It's a fucking beach, not your purse."

  "Then I will go to my room. That's my purse." I said and I tried to go but he grabbed my wrist.

   "We need to talk." he said.

  "You need. I don't. Now let me go before I break your arm." I said turning his arm.

   "We have to talk Lana. You can break my arm.I don't care. My heart is broken. I'm broken. Please let me talk with you." he said, his eyes was glossy.

  I let a tear went down. "Ryland, you broke me first. You were the one cheated on me. Then you didn't even called me."

  "Cause you left me without telling anything.One day I woke up and you were gone. You left me, I didn't think that you talked with Jennie. Look Lana, believe me or not, I really didn't remember her when you told me about Jennie cause nothing happened between us. Please let me tell you everything." he said in a pretty sad voice.

  "Ryland I know you. I'm not ready for hearing your lies right now. Why don't you just leave and give me time for heal myself? Cause I'm still in love with you and I can't quit. It sucks that you're so fucking handsome. I can't." He wiped my tears and hugged me.

    "So let me in. Let me tell you everything. Be together again." he said.

    "Okay, Ryland. One last chance. I'm dying to hear your explanation."

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