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17th January 2020

"Jaden, it will be so hard for me to talk with Emilia after all this years." I said wearing my jacket. Tonight we will meet with her as the Hype House squad and now I'm talking with Jaden on the phone.

"Don't worry, if she ever wants to hurt you she can't do it in public. Also Anthony will be there too. He is gonna protect you." he said.

"Yeah, I know but..." I heard Charli yelling me from the door. "Lana, are you ready? We're about to leave."

"I'm gotta go.Love you Jaden." I said and hang up the phone. Left my room and went downstairs. I saw Ryland sitting on the couch, waiting for Alex and Kouvr. I hugged him behind and kissed his cheek.

"You look extremely handsome. I'm sure you're gonna make all your friends fall like dominoes." I laughed. He is gonna meet with his highschool friends, that's why he is not coming with us. I'm gonna be with Dixie, Charli, Chase, Avani, Anthony, Nick, Sebastian who is Dixie's friend and Emilia all the night. A dinner and maybe bowling after that.

"Look at you." he said. "You're gonna make boys fall like dominoes."

I laughed and then we left the house. I was extremely nervous. Anthony hold my hand. "Don't worry, it's gonna be okay."

I felt Avani's eyes on me. No way, really Avani, are you jealous of me? He is one of my best friends. You don't know why but I'm nervous now and he is trying to calm me down.

I left his hand to make Avani calm. "Thank you Anthony." I said.

We met with Emilia and the other met with her, hugged her thats why she hugged me too.
"It's good to see you again, Lana." she said.

"Are you know each other?" asked Dixie.

  "Yess." said Emilia. "We are highschool bestiess."

   I looked at her. Are we? Since when? Last time I saw you I called you Emilia the huge pig.

    "Lana why you know everyone around us?" asked Dixie.

    What kind of question is that? "Cause we are in the same house." I said.

    She stared at me. "Okay."

   What are you thinking Dixie? Why is everyone weird tonight?

    We went in, sit and started to eating. I sat near Nick and Emilia.

    "Emilia, I was thinking you were dead." I said. Others were talking so they didn't hear us.

    She looked at Nick. "He knows." I said. "I told him." He nodded confirming me.

    " But I wasn't." she said. "Thanks to you I cut my wrists but I didn't die. You know what they say, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. I started to loosing weight. I dyed my hair. Went to gym, became a model. But as I can see, you're still fat."

    I felt sad. She literally came back for revenge. "I'm happy for you. Look Emilia, I don't know if you believe or not but I'm really sad for what I did to you. I was child, I was 15, of course this is not an excuse but I grow up. I became saner, I'm regretting about what I did you before. It's hard but hope you can forgive me." I realized that I'm crying.

    She hold my hand. "Lana, I believe everyone can change. I saw hate comments under your posts and felt sad about it. Hate, bully and cancel culture needs to stop. I forgive you."

  Nick looked at me smiling. "See, I told you. She is the most kind girl I've ever seen. I'm proud of you, Emilia." he kissed her.

   She is not forgiving me, she is fake, acting innocent for impressing Nick. She is gonna kill me in my sleep. I need to learn when she will stay in Hype house so I can stay in Mads's or Jaden's house. Should I keep one eyes out for her when sleeping. Is she gonna cut my wrists or neck?

    "Lana? What are you thinking?" asked Dixie.

    "Nothing." I said. She laughed. "We were talking about going movie or bowling. What are you thinking?"

     Cinema room is dark. She can kill me easily. Bowling is better. "Bowling." I said.

    We decided to go to bowling. Emilia acted super nice to me, a bit much.

    After that when we turned back to home Ryland wasn't in home. I called him, he didn't answer but a few minutes later he texted me. "Babe, I won't turn back to home tonight. I'm drunk and can't drive now. I will stay with my friends. Love you 💋"

     I went to Instagram and saw Emilia posted one of pictures we took today.


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    Emilia_frank: Night out with homies.

   Homies? Are we homies Emilia? I started to read the comments.

   annieisamazingg_: Aww poor Lana, she hide behind Avani cuz she is the fattest in squad.
    fuck.all.memes: I have nickname suggestions for Lana, Lana the fattest pig, Lana the huge whale, Lana but you can call her fatty.
   emiliascupcaketolanascoffee: Wowww, my two idols united. Lana and Emilia please make a collab.
     >whreistheavacadoes: but Lana can filled whole screen so you can't be able to Emilia.
  paulinalovesaddisonforlife: I need a fat bitch, uuuuh, Lana del rae, big shawty the fattest.
  chaddisonbabe: Addison looks different here. Oh wait, it's Lama Rae stealing her friend group.
    I stopped reading and looked at the mirror. I stared at my naked body. Punched my skin into my two fingers and wanted to cut off some pieces.

    Daisy has a perfect body, Charli is skinny and curvy at the same time, Dixie is super skinny, Avani is skinny too. Mads is literally perfect, her face is angelic and her body is a bliss, Addison is curvy too but like someone said before in my comments, I'm door shaped in a fat way.

     I went to my bed and layed down crying. I urged myself to sleep. Wish Ryland was here, I could hug him and he would tell me don't cry...

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