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* break up with your boyfriend cause I'm bored

12nd December 2019

"Why understand this is that fucking hard for you Jaden, I told you that I don't love him." I whispered to him.

  It's fucking 7 in the morning and we're sitting in the kitchen, talking and trying not to wake anyone up.

   "It's all about Ryland, isn't it? You started to blooming feelings for him, that's why you wanna leave Kio." he yelled in whisper.

   "No, there is nothing about Ryland." I said remembering my dream and feeling goosebumps all over my body. "Look Jaden, I was born bad, you know that, I told you about my history, Kio made me nice for a while but my dark side is real. I don't want to make him more loves me, I wanna break up without hurt him."

  "This makes sense. Okay, it's your life, you can do anything you want. How you will break up with him?"

   "Morning." said Kio coming in. He hugged me and kissed my cheek. "What you were talking about?"

  "About Hype House." I lied. "I will meet with them today and sign the contract."

"Congrats babe, you're making big moves lately.Hope soon you can release your music." he said with a warm smile.


I saw Addison for the first time in 13 days. We didn't even spoke in this 13 days.

"Hey." she said when she saw me. "How ya doing?"

"I'm doing pretty well." I said. No, I'm not.
"What about you?"

"I missed you." she said. "I thought about everything I said and I want you to know that wasn't my real intentions, this wasn't me, Lana. It's like someone else took over my body and made me say all this shits."

Yeah, probably it happened just like you said. "It's okay Addison, we all get mad sometimes. Maybe I overreacted."

She hugged me.

"Are you fucking idiot? Why did you let her to hug you? Didn't you saw the knife she is holding in her hands?" I jumped in scare and stepped back when I heard this whisper. I look around to see who is talking, I looked at Addison's hands, didn't find the knife. Then I realized it was all in my head. The voice isn't real, I said to myself.

"What happened?" asked Addison. "Why you jumped like that?"

"Nothing." I said. "I thought I saw some shadow behind you. Anyways I couldn't sleep night, I'm delusionating."

We went into house and started to talking about some details. I signed the contract.

"You are an official member now." said Thomas. "Congratulations. Welcome to family."

"Thank you." I said and hugged him.

"Can I hug you too?" asked Ryland. "I mean I wanna say welcome to family."

I laughed and hugged him. I felt something good in my stomach when I touch him. A chill, a sparkle went down to my spine. "You're a simp." I whispered to his ear.

"Only for you." he said.

After that they asked me if I stay in Hype House.

"You can stay in my room." Ryland smirked.

"I don't think so Ryland. She would probably stay with her sister." said Dixie.

"No, I'm staying at Mads's." I said. We talked with Mads and she rent a room in her house for me, cause I wanted. So I'm staying with her but some nights I stay with Kio and Addison staying in Hype House.

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