• h a n d c u f f •

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7th October 2020

"Good morning." I said sitting on a chair. "Morning" said everyone.

"Where is Bryce?" asked Josh.

"He is in the shower, will be here in mins." I said.

"Good, good." said Josh. Everyone looked at each other.

"Who is gonna tell her?" asked Kio.

"Jaden is her bestfriend. I think he should tell." said Griffin.

"No way." said Jaden. "She loves Kio more than me. Kio could tell, she would never be angry to him."

"Actually I need to go." said Kio and he tried to get up from the table. I hold his hand. "Sit." I ordered, he did.

  "She can easily get angry to us and she can try to beat us but she can't do the same to news." said Josh.

"Yeah, Noah tell her." said Griffin.

"Can you stop this bullshit and tell me what happened or do I have to fuck all of you?" I asked in a perfectly calm voice.

"I cannot take risks. I'm playing football, if she break any part of my body I'm done." said Noah. "Quinton?"

"Didn't you hear her voice? She is extremely angry but her voice is so soft. She might be a psychopath, I can't risk my life." said Quinton.

  "I'm not that angry." I said again hiding my anger and keeping my voice soft. "But you made me think what you gonna tell me is definitely something bad so you are raising my expectations."

   "I will tell." said Blake. "First of all, I'm not the person that you should be angry at, whatever. Your arrest is all over the news and there is a lot of bad scenarios about that. Like you killed someone that's why you arrested, you stole money from Hype House and that's why they kicked you out and you were running from them but in Texas you arrested and Ryland made a joke about it and said she broke my arm and she tried to kill me that's why she got arrested. People took it too serious and you are being cancelled now.And the other thing is Addison confirmed she is not talking with you and she said she won't be in projects with you anymore.She said Easterling twins are over. Dixie was out with her friends and she has been asked about your arrest, she said it's possible, her mental health is not good. And the final thing is Addison sent you some merchs and makeup products."

  "One more thing Blake. Tell the Ryland's post." said Noah to Blake.

  "Oh. yes. Ryland posted a photo of Addison, confirming that they are dating." Blake finished and looked at my face.

  "Being cancelled is getting old, I have been cancelled over 8 months.I don't care about the rumors, you cannot fuck everyone's mouth and make them stop talking about you. I need to call Dixie and Addison.About Ryland. Fuck him." I said. Everyone was suprised about me being chill. "See, I'm not mad at you. Just mad at to Ryland. Not even Addison."

  Bryce came and kissed my shoulder then sat on a chair next to me. "Why is everyone looks so suprised?" asked Bryce. "What were you talking about?"

  "Last night bad things happened, she arrested in her birthday, that's why she cancelled, Addison said they won't be working together anymore, Dixie said Lana's mental health is not okay, Ryland confessed that Lana broke his arm, Addison sent a lot of merchs and makeup stuffs and Addison dating with Lana's ex." said Griffin. "We can't believe that she is sitting here, chilling and eating her pancake calmly."

  Bryce laughed. "How can she be angry after a good sex? I know exactly how to make her calm down. Don't worry guys, I don't think she would be angry today."

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