• f u c k m e l i k e a r o c k s t a r •

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6th July 2020

I was sleeping till my phone started to buzzing like the world is ending and someone wants to let me know. I answered with a anger without looking the name.

"If I didn't answer that means I'm busy or just I don't want to answer. What is fucking point on calling five fucking times?" I said.

A silence. I looked the name, Ryland. Fuck. Shit. Damn.

"If you won't talk why did you call me in the morning?" I said trying to keep my voice strong.

"Just wanted to hear your voice. I missed everything about you, specially your voice." he said.

After I heard his angelic voice a tear went down from my eye. "It's been more than three months."

"When will you come?" he asked.

"My flight is tonight." I answered. "Can we talk when I came there? It's fucking 6 am morning in here and I didn't sleep till 5 am. I need to go." I hanged up the phone, layed down to my bed and started to cry. Then I fell asleep between my tears.


8th July 2020

I entered the house feeling sneaky eyes on me. I went to my room, put my clothes in my closet and took a shower. I wore a satin top and shorts. While I was brushing my hair, I heard a knock on my door.

I was know it was Ryland. "Come in." I said.

He came and sat on my bed. He took the brush from my hands then he started to brushing my hair.
"I missed you so much." he said.

"Me too."

"Will you forgive me again?" he asked. He knows I need him.

"You said the photos were edited. At the first one, she was lying, now she edited the photos, I'm dying to find another reason to forgive you next time." I said.

He put my hairs to my right shoulder and kissed my left shoulder. His lips went to my neck, then he reached my ear, he whispered. "I'm gonna fuck you like a rockstar."

He pulled my tops straw down and I turned my face to him, sat on his lap. "Fuck me like a rockstar."

We connected our lips and started to making out roughly. He took my top off leaving me with my bralet and started to kiss my neck, my collarbones and my chest. His kiss turns into sucking and biting making me moan.

Then he pushed me on the bed and kept going...


    I woke up in the night, laying naked next to Ryland. "This was bad decision." I heard the voice inside my head. "But it feels so good." I said to my demon. What I'm gonna do if he cheats me again?
"Don't you have self respect?" asked my demon. Yeah, I decided to call him demon. "He cheated on you and he lied to you. He chose another woman over you. Aren't you depreciating yourself?"

   "I love him." I said. "I need him."

   I hugged Ryland and fell asleep.

c • r • u • s • h // ryland stormsWhere stories live. Discover now