• m a l d i v e s •

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1st June 2020

I was laying on my bed listening to music in my hotel room. Addison told me she had a lot of things to do and she left.

This is the first time I'm alone since the day tour began. I never had a time to sit and talk with myself before. My life was too rush and I even ignored the voices in my head, I get used to them.

Since the first day of tour, I never missed and wanted Ryland this much.

I am literally needing him. My arms want to hug him tightly and never let him go. I wanna feel his kiss on my lips. I miss him so much.

Then my door is suddenly opened. Addison came in but she didn't closed the door.

"Were you born in a barn?" I yelled. She was putting the packets on the floor. Why is there a lot of packets? Is she becaming a shop-addict?

"You can bring the other packets." she said to door. What? Okay, I have a nickname for you Addison, Shop-Addictson.

Then a man with black hair came in, then a blondie girl, then another black haired man, then another girl with blonde hair.

"Oh my fucking God." I screamed with happiness.

I ran and jump to Jaden, I hugged him. Then Mads jump too. "I don't think I can carry both of you." said Jaden, his knees was shaking, then Kio jumped too and we fell on the floor.

"That was a nice greeting, I think I broke my belly." said Jaden.

"Shut up." I hit his head and we both laughed.

I saw the blonde girl standing there. I thought she might be Olivia. I get up and went there.

"Hi, I'm Lana. Olivia, right?"

She smiled. "Yes, I'm Olivia. Nice to meet you."

"You are adorable." I turned my head and winked at Kio. "Nice to meet you too."

"Do you like my suprise?" asked Addison. "I even shopped for vacation. Don't worry, I didn't buy same swimsuit for us, I know you don't like twinning. I bought different colors."

I laughed. "So are we going to Maldives?"

"Yess." said Kio.

We booked a flight to Maldives and went to airport.

I started to talking with Olivia and Kio, so far I liked her.

After 11 hours of flight we arrived the hotel we booked in Maldives at night.

Kio and Olivia went to sleep, Addison, Jaden, Mads and I were sitting in Jaden and Mads's room.

"I missed you so much." I said and hugged them.

"I love how you are ice cold to everyone but us." said Mads.

"You are my family." I said and grabbed Addison from her ankle and pulled for a group hug.

We talked all night long, and at the 6 am in the morning I felt sleepy.

"It's time for me to hit the sack." I said yawning and went to my room.


At the 11 am I woke up, then we went to hotel restaurant to breakfast.

"What about a boat tour?" asked Mads.

"It might be fun." said Olivia. After breakfast we went on a boat trip.


"I'm extremely tired." I said resting my head on Jaden's shoulder.

"Me too." said Mads and she put her head on Jaden's other shoulder.

We were sitting on the backseat. "Me too." said Kio and put his head on my shoulder, then Olivia put her head on Kio's shoulder and we fell asleep.

c • r • u • s • h // ryland stormsWhere stories live. Discover now