• a l w a y s •

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3rd February 2020

"You can rest your head on my shoulder." I said to Ryland. "I won't sleep."

"You don't sleep at nights anymore. You're sleeping during the day and at the nights you're sitting in the balcony. It's not healthy." said Ryland yawning.

I smiled. "You're yawning. Forget about me and sleep now." I pecked his lips giving a good night kiss. "I love you."

"Me too." he murmured falling in sleep.


"Babe wake up. We are landing." I said kissing Ryland's cheek to wake him up.

"It took shorter than I thought." he said. When we landed, Marc D'amelio picked us with his car and we went to their home. I apologized to him on the road million times and he said "It's okay. Don't worry. Dixie was fighter type of girl in highschool. She was breaking someone's noses in every month. I can understand that anger makes people do stupid things."

I went to Dixie's room first. Knocked the door. "Get off Charli." she yelled.

"Dixie, it's me. Lana. Can I come in?" I asked gently.

"Come." she said trying to hide the anger and sadness in her voice. I went in.

"Did you really come all this way to here just for making up with me?" she asked.

"Yes." I said. "Dixie look, I was so angry and I was blinded by my feelings, I made something too stupid. I know saying sorry will be never enough, I know sorry can't make your nose work again. I never wanted to hurt you. I-I..." she hugged me.

"It's okay Lana. You came all the way to say sorry, I already forgive you." she kissed my cheek.

I smiled. "Really?"

She nodded.

"I need to go and say sorry to Charli too." I said and left the Dixie's room.

I apologized to Charli, she forgave me. Then they showed us to guest room and we slept.


5th February 2020

"I'm sorry for that you have to leave." said Dixie.

"Me too." I hugged her and Ryland and I left.

When we turned back to Los Angeles, Addison, Chase, Emilia, Nick and Sebastian were planning a vacation to Bahamas.

"Add me to list." I said jumping to couch. I looked at Ryland. "This will be so good."

He glared at me. " Yes it will be amazing."

We called Charli, Dixie and Avani too. Then we booked the hotel, flights and went to shopping with Addison.


7th February 2020 / the night before the Bahamas vacation

"How is your mom?" I asked to Ryland looking at his phone.

"Dad says she is not good, she might be living her last days." he said.

"Then I will go to see her with you." I said.

    He hugged me and kissed my forehead. "Thank you Lana but you should go and enjoy your vacation with your sister. Remember once you said to me family comes first."

     I looked at him into his eyes. "But you're my family too."

     He kissed me and whispered to my ear.

    "Daddy wants to give you a unforgettable night before the vacation."

     I giggled. "Give me then."

    He smirked and his eyes was dark full of lust. "But you need to be quiet. You don't want anyone to hear us." . He pushed me onto bed and went top kissing me.

     "You will have to walk side to side tomorrow, babygirl." he whispered on my neck making me crawling under him and wanting him more.

     "Aww, is daddy making you horny, huh?" he said.

    "Always." I whispered and kissed him. Then our kiss went rougher and rougher ending up turning into giving hickeys around our necks....

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