• c h e e r t h e f u c k u p •

934 24 9

2nd September 2021

  I opened the door and went in. Everyone was still sleeping except one. Noah. He was in the kitchen, I saw him. Should I go and talk with him, or should I turn back to Jaden's room? I knew I shouldn't go to Noah but I did. I like making stupid decisions.

  "Morning." I said. He looked at me up and down and smiled.

  "Morning. I didn't know you stayed here." then he went serious. "But Riley is staying in your room so where did you stay?"

  "Jaden's room." I said.

  He smiled again. "Oh, yeah, you're wearing Jaden's tshirt. It's 7 am, why did you wake up early?"

"I don't know, I couldn't sleep. Why did you wake up?" I asked.

  "Workout. I usually wake up early and workout." he said.

"That's cool." I said, we stayed silent for a while, there is nothing to talk about so I decided to leave, I went to Jaden's room. I layed next to him.
"Where were you?" he asked.

"I couldn't sleep, I sat in the backyard alone." I lied.

"Okay." he said in his sleepy voice. I closed my eyes and urged myself to sleep, then I fell asleep.


"Rise and shine." said Jaden miming Kylie Jenner.

I woke up laughing. "Morning J."

"Morning? No, it's 1 pm." he said.

"Ah, I slept too much, my eyes must be swollen." I get up from bed.

"No." he said. "Your eyes are pretty." He threw a tshirt to me. "I called Mads, Dixie and Charli. Mads is coming now, we will eat dinner out together. I want you to cheer up."

"Thank you." I said. Wish Addison would come too. "Would you mind if I use your shower?"

"Absolutely no, you can't take a shower in my bathroom." he laughed. "Lana are you fucking serious? You can use anything belongs to me without asking. You should have learn that in three years."

"What?" I said. "Omg yes, we're in september, it's been three years."

"Yeah, but I feel like I know you since the first day."

I hugged him and kissed his cheek. "I love you big bro."

"I love you too." he said. I went into bathroom and took a shower. Then I get dressed and went downstairs. Everyone was sitting near the pool.

I saw Bryce for the first time since the break up. We had a eye contact reminding me all the days full of pain. I turned my head and went to kitchen. I started to making a toast to myself. Then I heard someone is coming, I turned back.

"Hey." said Kio.

"Hey." I said and turned back to making toast.

"Lana can we talk?" he asked.

"We're talking right now." I said. "You can say whatever you want to say to me."

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