• f r e e •

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17th May 2021

"I just saw her leaving Ryland's room." said Mia to Kouvr when I was going into kitchen.

Kouvr looked at me. "No way." She turned her face to Mia again. "Hoe."

"Say it to my face." I said. "Don't worry I won't bite. Or will I?" I poured coffee to two cups and left the kitchen. I went to Addison's room.

"Where were you?" she asked. "I woke up and you weren't here."

"I'm here. Just went to get you coffee." I handed the cup to her. She grabbed it and threw to wall.

"Fuck you Lana, you've been gone all night long. Did you came here to help me or fuck with guys?"
she yelled.

"Addison you don't have an idea about what happened last night. I didn't tell you to not make you worried." She interrupted me.

"Yeah I would be worried if I saw you with other guys." she said. "Leave Lana. Just go. I don't want you here, I don't need you to be my sister. You never were."

  My eyes started to watering. "Addi don't say that. I tried my best to be a good sister."

"Yeah you're the best ever. You fucked my boyfriend.I forgave you even tho you stole my boy. I gave you a second chance but you ruined it. You know what? I never hated someone this much in my whole life. You're the first. Now leave me alone. Go and fuck yourself."

"I'm leaving. If you want anything you can come to my house anytime you want." I said crying and left the house. I went to my house in Bel Air.

Bryce called me. "Hey babe, how are you, how is Addison?"

"I left the house Bryce." I said. "She is definitely not okay, she hates me and she wants me to leave."

"Where are you? Are you coming to home?" he asked.

"I'm in my house. My own house. The house you never let me to leave in." I said. He started to talking but I interrupted him. "Shut up and listen Bryce. You are so stupid, did you really thought I could fall for you? Bryce I hate you. I tricked you. Don't cry or don't get mad. Just stop and appreciate how talented actress I am." I laughed and ended the call.

God, I'm free. Finally. It's too weird. Like all this time my head was under water and I finally can breathe. I feel like I reborn. I'm a phoenix, I had to burn to reborn from my ashes.

I feel like I'm capable to do anything I want. I have a write a song about being free.

Bryce was calling again, I thought about threwing my phone to wall but then I stopped, what if Addison calls?

I called Mads and Jaden. I invited them, I told them I will give a huge party tonight, I will release my album next week.

I sent texts to everyone I know, I even called Avani to invite my party.

Mads and Jaden came in minutes, I posted a photo to announce I'll release my album in next week.


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Lanarae: Feels so good to dance again // My new two album will be out in a month.
Madslewis: Two album? God, thank you for blessing us with Lana.
>Lanarae: I LOVE YOU ❤️
Jadenhossler: I will cry if we won't duet.
>Lanarae: How can I reject the duet offer from the king of rock?
Rylandstorms: I wonder if there is a song for me?
>Lanarae: I love writing about my exes 👀 @Kiocyr @Rylandstorms @Brycehall
>Dixiedamelio: Wait what?
>Dixiedamelio: I am confused
>Dixiedamelio: Did you break up with Bryce?
>Lanarae: That was the best thing I've ever did.
Blakegray: I'm dying to hear it.
Rileyhubatka: Congratulations ❤️
>Lanarae: Hey, I have song for you too ❤️

I started to writing my songs about being free. My phone was off and when I turned it on I saw 23 texts from Bryce.

I deleted all them without reading. I went downstairs and saw Jaden and Mads into pool, kissing.

"Well well. Love birds." I said. "You know what, I will write a song about your love."

I jumped into pool with my clothes on and swam to them. "Tell me how you met."

"We met thanks to our friends. Bryce, Tayler and Joey were having a party, we met there. Then I went to home and started to stalk Jaden on the Internet." said Mads.

"We were like cat and mouse for 2 or 3 months.I chased her. Then we started to dating." said Jaden.

"It's so good that I wake up next to him and watch him sleeping." Mads kissed Jaden. "I would marry you with paper rings."

"I love you." said Jaden.

I smiled. "I love you guys."

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