• n o m i n a t i o n s •

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3rd August 2021

"Ryland just pose." I said. "Don't be so nervous, we will be on cover just for two weeks."

"Oh, yeah. Easy to say for you, is it your 7th shoot? Or 8th? You are a celebrity Lana." he said.

I hold his hand. "You will be too.Let's just finish this shoot, at the evening we can go to dinner."

"But please alone.Just me and you.Not with Jaden and Mads." he said. "When we were out with them you kept talking about things that only you three know."

"You can say Bryce thing." I said. I knew he meant that.

"Yes, Lana. Bryce thing. I'm your boyfriend, you can be honest with me.Tell me what happened with Bryce? Why did you have to date with him?" he asked.

"Lana if you're ready we can take you and your boyfriend over here." said the photographer.

"Yeah, yeah. Lana's boyfriend. You know what, my parents didn't choose a name for me when I was born, they just decided to call me 'Lana's boyfriend' I think that's pretty cool, huh? Unique name." he said.

"Not that unique. Every month someone takes that title." A stylist laughed.

"Hahahaha." I faked laugh. "Fuck you." I put both my middle fingers up.


   "Fuck that shit." I said as we entered the restaurant. "What the hell is she doing here?"

  "I'm sure she is following you." said Ryland. "Oh wait, look, there is another bag, she is with someone."

  "Oh, fuck." I said. "That's Addison's bag."

  We went to a table and sat down. Then I made a eye contact with her. "Vani!" I said with a fake smile. "What a fuckery suprise that you're here."

  "Oh, I love you too." she said. "Angeline, you know what I'm here with Addison."

  "Oh, I guessed it. Cause you're not able to pay your food in this  restaurant. By the way I'm happy that you understand that you're the Angeline." I said while Addison coming to Avani's table.

  "It wasn't that hard to understand. I know I'm a angel." she said.

"Yeah cause you're dead to me." I said.

"What the fuck is going on?" asked Addison.

"Just a typical Avani and Lana fight." said Ryland.

"I didn't ask you." said Addison. "Avani please don't talk with this jerk." she pointed me.

"Ryland are you really happy with her?" asked Avani. "Or does she forcing you to stay with her? Is it love or lust?" Avani and Addison both laughed.

Then a few fan came to taking pictures with me. After them I saw paparazzi is coming to me and Ryland. "Hey Lana!" said the paparazzi girl. "Did you saw the AMAS nominations? You have 12 nominations for your two album."

I laughed. "Oh, I wasn't know about it but I'm not suprised." then my phone buzzed, the call was from Jaden, I answered it, he said that I have 12 nominations for AMAS.

"You should give a huge party." said Addison. "Just like you did on your birthdays. Strippers, alcohol, drugs, smokers...What a lovely place. And the most important thing is which one will you pick for the night? I mean first it was Kio, then Ryland, then Nick, then Bryce... Did I forgot anyone?" she asked to Avani.

  "I don't know. I stopped counting." she said.

  "You better." I said. "Stop counting my exes, count my awards."

c • r • u • s • h // ryland stormsWhere stories live. Discover now