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884 18 2

4th October 2021

"Amelie I'm saying this for the last time, you won't see me in a bridal." I said sipping my cherry cola. "By the way don't forget to order tones of cherry colas for the wedding."

She laughed. "Yeah, cause you might die if you don't drink cherry cola on your wedding."

"Exactly." I said. "Cherry cola is my go to drink. I can't stop drinking it, I drink cherry cola even my depressed days, the days I don't even want to eat anything."

"Yeah, we understand that." said Mads jumping on me. "Lana, please wear a bridal so we can wear bridesmaids dresses."

"Yeah, pleaseee." said Amelie.

"Fine. Not too much, just a ordinary white dress." I said.

"Omg yes, we can go to shopping." said Nessa hugging me.

"Okay, then we can go to airport to get Dixie and Charli after shopping." I said. "I missed my babies."

"Ugh, I missed them too." said Mads, then we left the house to go shopping.


"It's been five hours, seriously you need to stop." I said. "Dixie and Charli's plane about to land."

"It's easy to say to you. You literally bought the second dress you tried." said Nessa.

"Yeah cause it's just like I dreamed. Also don't forget to buy dresses for Charli and Dixie." I said.

After shopping we went to airport to take girls. I hugged them tightly when I saw them.

We went to home, I spent all my night talking with them. We were sitting in the backyard, I was cuddling with Ryland. Jaden and Mads, Nessa and Josh, Amelie and Blake, Cynthia and Quinton, Dixie and Charli, Griffin and Anthony were cuddling too. Noah and Bryce were just staring at my face. Riley and Kio were sitting close, I think they started to talking again.

"Oh my God, there is two day left to our wedding." said Ryland.

"Yeah, can you stop reminding that?" said Bryce. We looked at him. "Sorry, it was just a bad day for me and I'm tired of talking about wedding. I miss our old conversations."

"Yeah, I understand." said Ryland. "An easier way to say 'I'm still in love with Lana and I don't want to hear your wedding bullshit cause I don't give a damn if I'm not her groom. Also I don't miss the old conversations, I missed the times when I was forcing Lana to be my girlfriend.' Say it Bryce, don't be such a pussy."

"Ryland stop that." I said.

Bryce get up. "Did you just call me 'pussy'?"

"Yeah, do you want me to do it again?" asked Ryland. Ryland what did I say you?

"Just try and I swear the God..." Josh tried to stop Bryce. "Bryce just go to your room."

Ryland tried to get up but I stopped him. "Baby he is talking shit, don't answer him."

"Lana stop." he said.

"Josh let me go." said Bryce and pushed Josh. He was walking to directly us.

I was standing between Ryland and Bryce. Except Noah, all the boys were trying to stop the fight.

"Just say it again." said Bryce.

"I guess you liked to hear that you're a pussy." said Ryland laughing.

Bryce tried to hit Ryland but I stopped him. "Bryce just stop that bullshit."

Jaden, Blake and Kio took Ryland tried to calm him down. Bryce was swearing, he tried to hit Ryland again. I put my hands to Bryce's arm and pulled him away from Ryland, we went the other corner of backyard. Ryland and the others were watching us.

"Bryce are you fucking crazy?" I yelled.

"Yes." he yelled. I heard Ryland yelling "You can't yell at her. I'll fuck you if I come over there."

Bryce put his fingers on shoulder and started to caressing from my shoulder to neck. "You're making me crazy. Seeing you not mine is just driving me mad. Seeing him touching on your body when I'm unable to do that just causing me loose my mind."

"You need a therapy." I said. "A psychologist can help you. I think you should see mine."

He laughed. "What therapy? My therapy is this." He smashed his lips onto mines and started to kiss me deeply. While everyone was watching us. While Ryland was watching us. Two days before my wedding. In front of my future husband...

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