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26th August 2021

"Wake up bitch." Jaden threw a pillow to my head. "I had to sleep in Josh's room because of you."

"Oh, I'm sorry not sorry." I said. "What was the dinner with Ryland?"

"It was good." he said. "But first we need to talk about something. Noah told me something about you."

"I swear I didn't kiss him. I mean I kissed him but he kissed me first, I told him I don't love him, I didn't wanted to kiss him..." Jaden interrupted me. "Stop. Lana I know what happened, Noah told me about it. He is sorry make you feel uncomfortable, he asked me "Will she break my arms if I say I'm sorry?"

I laughed. "Why you boys thinking I'd break your arms?"

"Erm...Maybe because you already broke Ryland's, tried to break Bryce's...That seems like a good reason." he said.

"Jaden I don't care about what Noah said, tell me what Ryland said." I said.

Jaden came closer and sat on the bed. "Mads and I, we really tried Ryland, we really bore down on him but he never failed. I guess this times he is serious. He seems so damn into you."

"Are you sure?" I asked, he nodded. "Then I will turn back to my house." I said.

I smelled coffee as I entered the house. I saw Ryland is making coffee, I went closer to him and hugged him behind. "Can I have a cup of coffee?"

He turned his face to me smiling. "I already made one for you." He kissed me softly.

Suddenly I felt extremely bad, God, just a few hours ago Noah's lips were on mines. I cheated on Ryland.

"What happened?" he asked. "I get it, you don't want to marry me but apparently you don't want to kiss me too."

"I want both of them." I said. "Yes, Ryland Fucking Storms, I will marry you."

He opened his eyes bigger with happiness and excitement. "What? Are you serious?"

I smiled. "More than I usually am." He wrapped his arms around my waist and turned me around. "I love you, Lana. I promise I'll never break your heart."

"I love you too." I kissed him, this strange feeling again. I guess that's called regret. There is a strange pain in my stomach, I'm feeling like I'm sick, my skin burns everytime I touched Ryland's lips.

He just hold my hands and started to dancing. I laughed. "What are you doing?"

He looked at me into my eyes. "Just practicing for wedding dance."

I laughed again, he pulled me closer and made me dance with him. "I'm sorry I never planned about wedding proposal, that's why I don't have any ring but I'll get today." he whispered to my ear.

I remembered Jaden and Mads, and the song I wrote for them. I put my hands on Ryland's cheeks. "Ryland, I'd marry you even with paper rings."

He laughed. "Said the jewelry addict." Then he looked at my face. "Oh my God, you're serious."

"Yes, I am." I said.

"You're serious, you're serious." he kissed me again. Pain, sickness, burn, regret...I guess I need to get use to this feeling.

"Ryland I need to take a shower." I said.

"Okay, go to our room, I'll make the breakfast for you." he kissed my nose. I smiled and went upstairs, I get into shower and started to crying. Fuck you Noah, you fucked everything up. I kissed Noah, now how I will act like this never happened and kept kissing Ryland? How I will kept fooling him? How he did? He cheated on me with a girl and when he finished his business with her, he came back to me. He fucked me like nothing happened.
Did he ever feel regret? Did he?

I cried in shower nearly one hours without knowing what to do... This ain't my first time cheating, I cheated on Bryce with Kio but it was different. I'm never regretting for it. But this time, it's different, I cheated on someone I love. How I can say I love him? A lover never cheats.

"Are you okay?" yelled Ryland. "It's been nearly two hours, I'm starting to worry about you."

"I'm okay, I'll be out in a few minutes." I said. I started to wash my hair and body then went out.

I wore one of Ryland's stop looking at my dick sweatpants and a tshirt of mines. I put hair in a low ponytail and went downstairs.

I smelled the vanilla and chocolate in the air then I saw the cupcakes on the counter. "Hmm, it smells and looks delicious." I said sitting on a chair. "I never knew you could cook."

"I'm a good cooker ma'am. But I don't like to do things that I have to spend energy while doing."he said.

I laughed. "Okay then." He looked at me and smirked. "But sex is different. I can have sex with you anytime."

I fake smiled. I can't have sex with you again, I'm feeling bad while kissing you and that's all my fault.

After breakfast we decided to do a pool day, I called Dixie, Mads and Jaden and invited them. Dixie said she will come with Nick, I guess Nixie is back. I will ask her what happened to Grixie.

Then suddenly I decided to release a song from my album. "Paper Rings." I posted the lyric video full of Jaden's and Mads's photos.


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Lanarae: She said she'd marry him with paper rings, I turned it into a song...Love, Lana Rae...


"Long time no see." I said when I saw Dixie and Nick. "I missed you guys."

We hugged each other. "You know what it's too weird." said Nick. "At the first you were hating on each other but know you're good friends."

"I guess Avani took my place." said Dixie and we laughed. "That bitch really deserved everything you did to her." said Dixie.

"I know." I said and we went in. Ryland was smoking in a corner, Mads was in the pool, Jaden was standing. I stopped near the pool and started took my kimono off but Jaden pushed me into pool, luckily I grabbed his hand and pulled him into pool too.

We started to laughing. "Hope you understand that you should've never mess with my bestie." said Mads.

"Bitch pardon, she is my bestie." said Jaden in a bitch tone.

I laughed. Sometimes there is moments in the life that you wanna live again and again. It could be your happiest memory, it could be a baby's first step, first birthday, graduation, first kiss, sleeping with your bae, wedding ceremony, figuring out that you're pregnant, hearing your baby's first heartbeat, giving birth, seeing your baby's first step... But mine was this even though a huge missing. If I could I would stuck in that day and live it over and over again...


Guys, my dm's are broke, I can see all this messages and thank you for sending me good messages but I can't answer them. So I have a lame idea, I know it'll sound stupid but I'm thinking about creating a Instagram account for Lana, so I can post all this shops I made and answer your dm's. Please tell me if you want it or not.
Love y'all. ❤️

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