• d i n n e r a t a d d i s o n ' s •

880 20 4

2nd October 2021

"Morning baby." said Ryland kissing my nose.

"Morning." I said smiling. We get up from bed and get ready then went outside for breakfast. Amelie called me and invite to Sway to pick something for wedding. Then Jaden called Ryland and said he wants to talk with Ryland before marriage.I went to Sway House.


When we finished picking something for wedding decorations, Amelie looked at the plans and smiled. "You're lucky having a friend like me. I have good taste."

Blake came and hugged her behind. "That's true." They kissed, I laughed.

We decided to get into pool and swim. I went to my room and wore my bikini, then went to pool.

Bryce wasn't in home, Noah was in football club and the rest of us was just vibing in the pool. Kio came near me. "Hey Lana."

"Hey Kio." I said smiling.

"How are you feeling? Are you nervous for the wedding?" he asked.

"A bit. It's just weird, I'm feeling old." I said.

"Yeah, marriage sounds like something will make you feel older." he laughed. "Lana I just wanted to talk you cause I don't want you to think something wrong about me."

"I never thought something wrong about you." I said.

"I'm totally happy for you, hope you and Ryland will be happy." Yeah, he is different than others, my sweet Kio, you deserve the best.

"Thank you." I said hugging him.

"Lana, if I'm being honest, I still love you but not like before. I still have feelings for you, still I get goosebumps when you're around, I still feel butterflies when I see you but I don't want you to be mine anymore. I accepted that you're not happy with me, Ryland is the best for you. I just want you to be happy. That's what I should do if I love you. I love you and I want you to be happy forever." he said.His eyes was glossy.

  I hugged him tighter and kissed his cheek. "I love you Kio. You're the most kind soul I've ever seen. I'm wishing the best for you."


   When Ryland and Jaden turned back to home, Jaden wanted to talk with me. We went to kitchen to talk.

   He hold my hands. "Lately you're so busy, we didn't have chance to talk."

   "I know, I'm sorry Jaden, just this wedding things, music awards, Addison and my mom... My mind is busy."

    "How are you feeling about wedding? Are you excited or nervous?" asked Jaden.

   "Nervous." I said. "Both actually. Also a little poor. You can't imagine how much I pay the decoration company for them not to leak that I'm getting married."

   He laughed. "Why are wanting it to be a secret? Why don't you just threw a huge wedding party just like you did before?"

   "Jaden to be honest I'm tired of living my life in front of cameras. Yeah, being famous is good, really fun. But I want to be a singer. That's my dream since I was a kid. I want to be famous with my music, not my complicated life. I'll even drop my reality show 'American Bitch Story'. Today probably I'll release the last episode." I said.

   "Oh, I understand you. Yeah, lately people stopped talking about your new album or your 10 Grammy awards, they focused on your life, your reality show." he said.

   "Exactly. That's why I'm leaving this." I said.

   "Do you know Mads is crying every night. She doesn't want you to get marry, she thinks you'll leave us." said Jaden.

  "Why? I'm not going anywhere. I will be here everyday."

   "Yeah I know but to be honest I feel kinda sad too. I just can't accept that my little sister is getting married. You're too young." his eyes were glossy.

  "Shut up." I said. "I'm 21 Jaden, it's normal age to get marry."

  "No it's not. I'm 22 and I'm not married. You should've wait till I get married." he hugged me. I hugged him back and we stayed like this for a while.

  "I love you Jaden." I said. "I just want you to know that I'll never ever leave you. I promise."

  "I won't leave you too. I'm sorry Mrs. Storms, you have to see me for your whole life." he said.

  "Mrs. Storms? Oh God, I need to get use to it." I said.

  "Did you ever talked with Bryce, Kio or Noah?" asker Jaden. "Bryce is too angry, he even hates me because I'm bestfriends with you. Noah doesn't eat with us, he is always in his room. Kio seems normal."

  "I don't give a fuck about Bryce. I talked with Kio, he said he is happy for me. About Noah, well, he should've known that I'll leave him for Ryland someday. To be honest, I don't care about what they think. I'm just doing what makes me happy." I said.

  Then Anthony came to the kitchen. "What are you talking?"

"I'm just being her big brother and making my wedding speech." said Jaden. We laughed. Anthony came and sat near us.

  "Lana I'm so happy for you. It must be an incredible feeling getting marry with someone you love." said Anthony holding my hand.

  "Yeah, I'm super excited and nervous at the same time. I know nothing will change but still anxious." I said.

"When I was dating Avani, I used to dream our wedding every single night before sleep. It's so sad that we are enemies now."

  "Actually I'm about that." I said. "You survived from a toxic relationship."

  "Did she called you or Ryland after Ryland dumped her?" asked Anthony. "She must be really angry."

  "She doesn't love Ryland, she never did. She dated him just to make me angry, Ryland dated her cause he wanted make me jealous and he needed a place to sleep. Avani didn't even call Ryland after break up. She understood in the party what's going on and she left him." I said. "I don't think she'll show up at the wedding but everyone except me is super anxious."

  "If I know her a little bit, she will wear her best dress and come to your wedding." said Anthony.

  "Only if she knows." I said. "I told you, guess list is too short."


   At the evening we left the Sway House to go to dinner at Addison's house. When we were entering the house I hold Ryland's hand. "Ryland don't give a fuck about what my mom says, I love you and that's the only thing you should care about."

  He kissed me. "I love you and I don't think giving up on you just because your mother doesn't approve our relationship."

  We entered the house.

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