• h a p p i e s t b i r t h d a y •

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4th October 2021

"What the fuck are you doing?" I said slapping him. I wiped my mouth with my hand. "Eww." Then I hit his arm. "Stay away from me." I left him and went near Ryland. I hold his hand. "Let's leave."

Ryland was holding my hand, then showed his middle finger to Bryce. "I'll see you later and fuck you because of kissing my wife."

We went to Ryland's car. He sat on driver seat but he was shaking from anger. "Ryland, you're too angry, I think I should drive." I said but he started to drive extremely fast. "He kissed you, how dare he kissed you? How dare he could touch my wife."
He was yelling. We arrived to my home too quick, then I hold his hand. "Ryland, first of, I liked you call me wife but I don't want you to fight with Bryce. I'm getting marry you, that's means I already made my decision, I chose you over all this boys so what's the point of fighting for me? Yeah, I'm angry cause he kissed me but it's my problem, not yours. I can defend myself, you know it. Please don't get into a fight with a stupid reason like this." I put my hands on his cheeks. "I love you, only you. Now please let's go to our room. I had a long day, I'm tired, all I want to take a good shower."

He smirked. I know this smirk, don't say it Ryland, do not say it. "Without me?" he said putting his hands on my waist.

"Yeah, without you." I said. Then he smiled. "I'm sorry you have to shower after me, bitch." he ran to home. Yeah, this is dating with a 22 years old child.

  I laughed and went to home after him. He took shower first, then I took. When I get out off shower and turned back to room, he was laying on the bed and looking at his phone. I took my clothes from my closet and took off my robe. Then Ryland came and hugged me behind. "Don't need to wear them."
I turned my face to him and wrapped my arms around his neck and started to kiss him. When we broke the kiss he looked at my face. "And you said you're tired."

  I laughed and push him on the bed. "Never for you."


   5th October 2021

  I woke up and realized that Ryland is sleeping in my arms so I didn't move to not wake him up. I still can't believe that I'm gonna marry with this beautiful boy.

  Life is too weird. It's full of suprises. If you've told me two months ago, I would never believe that I'll marry. I used to pray God to take me in my sleep, now I'm praying him to give me a huge life I'll spend with Ryland. When I'm with him I feel something I cannot describe. I can talk with him like a bestfriend, trust him like brother, care him like my son and love him like my lover. He is my everything and I can't even imagine a life without him. God, I know I was bad at this worship thing but I'm begging you, please don't make me see his death. Take me first.

   I kissed him to wake up. "Morning my love." I said.

  "Morning." he said smiling. I kissed him one more time. He laughed. "Last night wasn't enough for you, I guess."

  I smiled. "I love you so much."


   "Baby can you zip my dress?" I asked.

  "Of course." he said. He zipped my dress and kissed my neck. "I'm dying to give you your birthday present."

  "I'm dying too." I said.

  "I'm sorry you have to wait till we turn back to home after party." he said.

  I put my lipgloss on and we left the house, went to celebrate my birthday.

  Some moments in your life, you can feel the happiness in the air. It gets in your body with every breath you take, you can feel it in your veins. You want to live this moments over and over. That night was a night like this. I had everyone I love around me and I wanted to stuck in this moment, living it again and again... I never remembered a time I laughed more. The atmosphere was magical, everyone was laughing and everyone's eyes was shining with happiness. They say when you laugh that much, there is always something bad comes after that. I don't want something bad. All I want to stuck in this night.....

c • r • u • s • h // ryland stormsWhere stories live. Discover now