• e n o u g h i s e n o u g h •

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12nd April 2020

"Who is she, Ryland?" I asked showing a photo of a girl and Ryland kissing in a club.

"Lana, look that's not real. I don't even know her." he said.

He cheated on me. Again.

  "I'm done Ryland." I said. "I'm leaving."

   He hold my hand. "Lana, I love you. Please don't leave me. I'm begging you."

   "Ryland, I need some time, a little bit space. Look you cheated on me twice, I forgave you in the first one but this... I'm feeling like problem is me. Am I not enough for you? Am I not enough beautiful, smart, funny I don't know, what you are always trying to find happiness in someone else? If you don't like me in the bed and that's why you always trying to fuck another bitches just tell me and we can end our relationship. You don't need to make me feel this way, sad, not enough and humiliated." I said with tears in my eyes.

  "These photos are edited. It's photoshop. Not real. I swear the God, I never cheated on you." He said.

  I smiled pathetically. "Do you want me to believe this bullshit? Go fuck yourself."

  I left his room slamming the door.

I went to my room and told Addison exactly what happened. She started to cry.

"Why are you crying?" I asked.

" We both cheated. It's kinda funny, Bryce who asked me for a second change, he cheated on me, again."

   I hugged her. "That's just a Easterling twins thing, I guess. We both love the guys who will break our hearts."

   "I think we should leave today." said Addison. "We always wanted to make a tour, I think that's the right time."

   "Are you talking about the world tour? Okay. Addison. Call your manager and set up everything. We can make announcement in our accounts, let's leave this shitty place." I said.


15th April 2020

"Are you really leaving me?" asked Ryland.

"Do I look like I'm joking?" I grabbed my suitcase and put in the car.

"Will we not talk again? Like we did in this three fucking days?" he sounded sad.

"Ah, I'm sure you get use it. Also there is a lot of cool chicks out there. Go and live the life you want.Fuck three girls in a night or I don't know, go to sex club." I went serious. "And stop pretending like you care about me."

"I do. I care about you. I love you, Lana." he hold my hand.

I rolled my eyes. "Ryland, we know each other. There is no need to lying. You don't give a fuck about anyone. You didn't, don't and won't love anyone.I don't think you love even yourself."
I kissed his cheek. "I think you should start with loving yourself." I get in the car.

  "Do you?" he said and I opened the car window. "Do you love yourself?"

   "I hate myself." I said and we left.

  Addison handed me a beer. "Cheers to the first day of our lifes."

  I laughed. "Cheers darling."

c • r • u • s • h // ryland stormsWhere stories live. Discover now