• t h u m b n a i l •

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"Umm can I ask you something?" said Blake while Bryce and I were sitting near the swim pool, handcuffed.

  "Don't ask anything." I said.

  "But why you are handcuffed?" he asked.

  "What did I say Blake?" I yelled, Bryce laughed. "Don't laugh, it's not funny. Call your fucking friend and say him to unlock this fucking thing." I pointed the handcuff.

   " Actually I am pretty enjoying this thing." said Bryce. "But it's gonna be a bit weird when we need to go to toilet."

   "Eww." I said. "Nick Bean come here or I'm gonna rip your fucking heart and made you eat it."

   "There is too much anger in this sentence." said Blake. "You're too aggressive, did you ever try meditation? It can help you to deal with this aggressiveness."

   "Blake you know what, I can be more calm and happier if you can shut your fucking mouth up." I yelled.

  "That's not true. You are always swearing, why do you want to fuck all world?" he asked. I swear the God he is doing this on purpose. Bryce chuckled. I hit his chest with my elbow. "Don't laugh." Then I turned back to Blake.

  "Blake you have ten seconds to run." I said.

   He terrified. "Or what?"

   "Blake remember she broke his ex boyfriends arm, also she tried to break mine once, she literally beat me, she broke Dixie's nose and that's the only part I know. She says she got saner, she was worse at highschool." said Bryce.

   "Ten, nine, eight..." I was counting down then Blake ran. I laughed behind him.

   "It's been 12 hours, I guess that's enough." said Nick.
   "Finally I'm getting rid of this fucking thing." I said while Nick was unlocking the cuff.

   "You are done." he said, everyone clapped.

    I was leaving but Bryce grabbed my wrist, then Nick pushed us into the pool.

   "Nick Bean you're the biggest bitch I've ever seen." I yelled. Everyone was laughing and that made me more angry. "Blake shut the fuck up." I yelled. He stopped.

    "Hahaha, you're scared of her." said Griffin hitting to Blake's shoulder. "Pussy."

   "You are scaring of her too." said Josh to Griffin.

   "Screw this vlog." said Nick and he jumped into pool too, the other boys jumped after him.

   Bryce was talking with Tayler and Nick, I saw Kio and Jaden on the corner and swam to them.

   "Hey babes." I said. Kio puts his hands to my waist. "Oh god, Lana I miss you."

    "Slow down love birds." said Jaden. "Everyone is here, they might saw you."

    We started to talking then Bryce and Nick came. "You are so pretty." said Bryce and kissed my cheek hugging from behind. "You are definitely ten times hotter when your hair is wet."

   I saw Kio stuck his tongue out and miming Bryce.

  "I need a photo of you for the thumbnail." said Nick.

   We posed and he took a photo, then Bryce post the photo on his instagram.



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  Brycehall: It sucks that you're so pretty
  Joshrichards: My man looks not happy, scratch your ass in the next video if you're in danger Bryce.
>Lanarae: I'm blackmailing him and forcing him to stay with me.
  Jadenhossler: My girl looks like she is fake smiling, wear daisies if you're not happy Lana.
  >Lanarae: Oh, I will.
Petroutv: Seeing you both happy is good.
Daisykeech: Oh a cool pic of my parents.
Taylerholder: I ship!!
Jadenhossler: Family
Nickbean: boutta break the internet
>Lanarae: We already did it Nick, a couple times.
Indiana: So when can I come to third wheeling on your date?
Blakegray: If I comment anything about it Lana would kill me.
>Avani: Cause she is prone to violence.

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