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25th September 2021

"Ryland she is the one who will get awards why your getting ready process is longer than her?" yelled Mads. We were sitting in the living room, waiting for Ryland.

"I'll be ready in 5 minutes." yelled Ryland.

"Yeah, it's been 40 minutes since the last time you said you'll be ready in 5 minutes." said Jaden.

  Then Ryland came and we left the house. When we were sitting in my limousine, Mads hugged me. "I still can't believe that you're gonna be performing at Grammys."

  "It's no big deal." I said. "Not my first award, won't be last."

  "Well well it's being cocky to me." said Jaden.

  "Hell no, it's confidence to me. She knows she is good at music and she knows her capabilities. She is confident as she should." said Ryland.

   I smiled, Ryland smiled too. His smile was the warmest smile I've ever seen. This was not my first time seeing him smiling but this time his smile gave me a good, golden vibe. Don't know why but this smile was more sincere than the others to me. I would do anything to see him smiling again like this.


   "Can't believe we will turn to home with 10 Grammys."  said Mads wrapping her arm around my neck. Ryland and Jaden were walking behind us, we were leaving the Grammys.

  "Hey, Lana congratulations for 10 Grammys but do you think you deserve this?" asked a woman interviewer. Her face is so familiar but I don't think I know her name.

  I shocked, never waited a question like this. "Of course I deserve this." I said. "It's for 3 album. Can you imagine? I made 3 big albums in a year. I worked till my ass off, I think I can say that I deserve this."

  "Of course you deserve this. Lana you weren't a celebrity till today. Can we say you wouldn't be famous if you wouldn't be invited by luck." she is getting on my nerves.

  "Actually I'm kinda famous since 17. My sister was a Tiktok famous and then I became a Tiktoker too. Some people like you might think I don't deserve this but if I got a invite or if I had 10 Grammys in a night, that's because of my talent. I'm here cause I deserve it." I said.

  "So you think you're famous because of your talent. But people think you have all this hype just because your beautiful." I swear the God this paparazzi is working for Avani.

  "Of course I have this hype because of my talent. If I would be famous just because I'm beautiful, I would be a red carpet interviewer." I won't let you to bring me down bitch.

   "They say the ones who gets fame from the Internet when they're young are always the rudest, I guess that's right." she said. Will I be cancelled if I say "Bitch, you're making me rude."

  "Have a nice night." I said and we left.


  27th September 2021

  I was sleeping cuddling with Ryland. Then my phone started to buzzing, I woke up and looked at it. My mom is calling and it's 2 am. I didn't answer because I was shocked, I turned the silent mod on to not wake Ryland up but it was too late.

  "Who is this babe?" he said yawning.

  "My mom." I tear went down from my eye. I was shaking and my voice was cracking.

  He get up from bed. "Why don't you answer?"

"She never called me since I left the house. Not even in my birthdays. Now she is calling me at 2 am. I don't think it's good." I said. "Why is she calling me, if something bad happens, she would call Addison, if something happens to my dad, probably Addison would call me, not my mom. I think something happened to Addison."

  "Just answer it." said Ryland hugging me. "I don't think something happened to Addison."

  "What if?" I said. "I can't live Ryland, understand? If something happens to her I can't live."

   He grabbed the phone and answer it. "Hello, it's Ryland. Lana's fiancé....No Mrs. Easterling, can you stop yelling? ....It's two in the morning, I don't think it's the right time... Mrs. Easterling, stop swearing at me.... It's fucking 2 am, no, you can't come to our house....Mrs. Easterling can you just list..." He stopped and looked at the phone. "She hanged up on me."

   "What was she saying? What happened, why she called me?" I asked.

  "She said she just saw that we engaged in the newspaper. Who would read newspaper in 2 am? Anyways she says she is too happy for us, she definitely loves me and totally supports us." said Ryland. "Let's turn back to sleeping."

  "She never called me and now she's calling to say she doesn't want me to marry you." I said. "Fuck this shit."

   "No baby, don't think like that. At least she cares about you and she doesn't want you to marry a motherfucker like me. She is kinda right." he said in his sad voice. "I don't deserve you."

   I put my hands on his face. "Ryland look at my face please." He looked at me into my eyes. "Baby, I love you and I don't give a fuck about my mom says. I just love you and I wanna marry you. Fuck my mom." I kissed him. "You know what, I will marry you on my birthday."

   "What?" he said.

   "Yeah, you heard it right. We will get marry on my birthday. My birthday is 6th October, it will be friday. We can meet with our friends at 5th October Thursday and we can celebrate my birthday, I can blow the candles at 00.00 and on the 6th October Friday, we can marry.It doesn't have to be crowded, in our garden, with our friends." I said.

  He put his hands on my waist. "Are you serious?"

"Of course I'm serious." I said. "This will be my best birthday." I sat on his lap.

  "I love you." I said.

  "I love you more than anything." he said and I smashed my lips onto his. Kiss heated up and he grabbed my hips carried me to the bed. He layed me down. I was so fucking happy, I'm excited to go to Sway tomorrow and yell them "I'm getting married bitches!"

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