• h i g h n e s s •

878 26 15

2nd September 2021

"I know you're in home, open this fucking door!" I hit the door for 9th time.

Then Avani opened the door. "It's fucking 5 am, what the hell are you doing in my house?"

I entered the house. "Well, let's say I miss you."
I started to looking around while she was closing the door. "What a lovely day, huh, Vani? I can feel today will be my day."

"You seem more insane than the last time I saw you." she said.

"Oh, I'm sorry for looking less insane while I was in pain because you stabbed me, bitch." I said. "Where is my pretty boy?"

  "I don't know what you're talking about." said Avani.

I smiled. "So you two have fucked?"

"What the fuck are you talking about?" she faked suprised.

"If you didn't why you're trying to hide him from me, I know he stayed in your house, so tell me where is he or I'm gonna learn with my own way." I said.

"What the hell you can do?" said Avani.

"Don't do it girl, don't try me. I already hate you, I'm already mad at you, now you're pushing my limits, not gonna end well for you." I said. "You're not my business now, I will talk with the pussy pleaser."

"Watch your mouth when you're talking about him." said Avani.

I laughed. "So you're warning me about how should talk about my bitch."

  "I swear the God if you ever say something bad about him..." said Avani squeezing her hands.

  I ignored her and started to sing a song. "Ryland is a pussy, Ryland is a pussy..."

  "You bitch!" Avani tried to punch me in the face but I hold her hand and twisted her arm. Then Ryland came. "Let her go."

"Morning love." I said. "How was your night, did you sleep well?" Avani was sitting on the floor, screaming and crying. "Don't cry bitch." I twisted her arm harder.She screamed with pain, if you were there, you could hear the breaking voice of her bones. "Oh oh." I said. "I'm totally cack-handed."

  "Please stop this." said Avani.

  I laughed. "I like you begging.Do it again."

"Stop playing with her." said Ryland. I broke Avani's other arm too. "Upps, it broke."

  "You did it bitch." said Avani crying. "Vani, darling it might be hurtful but you deserved it. I really tried to let you go but you kept staying. Remember baby, you tried to hit me first."

"Just leave the house." said Ryland.

"Why? Did I fuck your glitering morning?" I said. "Actually Ryland I'm really suprised that you're still here. Normally you'd run. You are that type of person, when things don't go to your way, you always run."

"No." said Ryland. "You were the one who ran away, when I asked you to marry me."

  "Well Ryland, the truth is I didn't trust you cause you're nothing but a cheater. I was trying to get some time by running." I said.

"By fucking Noah." he said.

"Nope, just kissing. The big fuck you keep asking was tonight." God, why did I lie?

"Lana let Avani go or I will speak the language that you understand." he said.

"Aww, he is fighting for his big love. Oh wait, she is not your big love, she was just a one night stand. Mia is your big love. Your dream girl, the girl that you never forget.I heard you've been fucking with her last night, actually  I must say, I really felt quite distressed at not receiving an invitation." I let Avani, she layed on the floor crying. "I let her go Ryland, now we can fight."

"You're looking for trouble." said Ryland. "Also you'll make me get into trouble too. I don't wanna be on the Internet by hitting you."

"Don't worry it won't be happen. I won't let you to hit me even once." I licked my teeth. "I've been dreaming about this moment, now come to mommy."

  "You wanted this whore." he said, he came to me but I made him kneel in front of me without he understand what happened. Thank God my first boyfriend was a Muay Thai fighter. He taught me all the techniques he knows. "Look at you Ryland." I said. "I guess today is not your day."

"I didn't hit you because you're a girl." he said.

I kicked his back with my knee. "Oh, but I did. How do you like that?"

"Please don't hurt him." said Avani.

"Young lovers...What a lovely couple!" I said.

"Lana I don't love her." said Ryland. "You were right, it was just one night stand, she gave me a place to sleep so I had to have sex with her just to stay. I was using her."

  "No." I said. "You had sex with her because of her home, basically her money." I laughed. "You called me whore but look who really is."

"What you gonna do to us?" asked Avani.

"Nothing." I said. "Avani I just remembered, you owe me 10 thousand dollars. You better have my money bitch."

"Lana you were right about everything you said but one thing. My big love was you, my big love is you.It always been and it will always be." said Ryland.

I made a pouty face. "Ah, I'm sure you're saying this just because I beat you up.Also the last part is too cliche, you can talk with Bryce, he always have something original to say." I looked at Avani. "Come here."

"I can't." she said.

"Come on, I broke your arms, not your legs." I said. "I'm counting back from 10. 10,9,8,7..." she came. She looked at me. "I fucking hate you cunt."

"Look down." I put my hand on her head. "You're talking your highness. You should keep your head down. Anyways lately I get bored easily. You can go, I got bored of you." I said and went to door.

"Where are you going?" asked Ryland.

"Finding new toys." I wore my sunglasses and left the house.

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