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6th October 2020/ 9pm

"I never thought that you will be in jail with us." said Bryce.

"I always thought I would be in jail but since my first fight with Monty I always tried to keep myself out of trouble. He said me that Addison will have a career full of success and I will be in jail, since that time in every fight, even in little arguments he said me this, again and again. I'm sorry that I made him right." I said.

"Addison was literally in love with her father, she said to me that Monty is her hero, she said her mom and dad always support her, always stand by her. I'm really suprised about what your father said to you." said Bryce.

"Addison was always favorite." I said. I don't trust Bryce so I won't tell him about my illness and my family issues. "Anyways, that's my best birthday ever."

"It's cold here." said Jaden. I looked at him. "Do you want me to give my kimono to you?" I took my kimono off and handed to Jaden.

"Thank you." he said.

"Now you will get cold." said Bryce. He was about the take his sweatshirt off. "No need." I said. "I don't get cold. Actually I hate hot, that's why I can't even sleep cuddling, I get so hot."

"I didn't know this." said Bryce.

"Of course you didn't know Bryce." said Jaden. "Cause you never care about her, you never tried to know her. You are using her like a sex slave or just like an another version of Addison."

I can feel the storm is coming.

"What do you know about our relationship?" asked Bryce.

"A lot, Bryce. A lot. She is my bestfriend and unlike you I can see her more than her body, I know her, I could understand she is not happy with you. Actually it's not that hard to understand this, just a bit of observation is enough. You are keep yelling at her, when we were laughing in the crowd she never looks at you, when she was talking, you were looking at her into her eyes to make sure she is not saying something bad about you. You are treating her like she is your toy, Bryce. I know Lana, I know she would never accept that unless she had to. I don't know why she has to stay with you but at least you can try to be nicer to her." said Jaden and wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

"Wow." said Bryce and sat on the floor. We sat a while without talking. Then a officer came. "Lana Rae Easterling, you can go."

"Why just me?" I asked.

"Because your parents paid for you."

"Okay." I said. "And now I'm paying you for let my friends go."

After a little talking with officers they let us go.

I felt like I'm drowning when I saw my mom and dad. Addison was with them too. "Come on we need to leave before paparazzi arrive." said my mom.

"I think they already know that I'm in jail." I said.
"So there is nothing to worry about."

"I'm not worrying about you. You and your stupid moves can destroy Addison's career." she said.

"Why are you here?" I asked. "If you don't really love me, why did you come to bail me out?"

"Don't yell at us." said Monty. "We are here just because you are stupid. I wonder when you will stop trying to get our attention. Literally we are tired of you, your dramas, your fights. Remember what I told you, you will be in jail. Thank you for proving me that I was right."

"Dad, no. I did not do this for getting attention.Let me..." He interrupted me. "Don't call me dad. We are here just because to save Addison. Some people said that Addison is jail like it's possible. You will talk to magazine when we are not with you.Wish you weren't her twin." he said.

"You know what?" I said. I put both my middle fingers up. "Fuck you all."

They suprised. "Graceless." said Addison.

"But I broke Ryland's arm with a grace." I said. "I saw your photos, he is good at hiding it."

  "Do you think is this the true attitude? I tried to save your ass for my whole life but enough is enough Lana. You are literally graceless." she yelled at me.

I put my hand to mouth pretend I'm sucking dick. "Suck Ryland's dick with grace."

I went near Bryce and Jaden ignoring my parents swears and cruel words behind me.

"We can go." I said.

We turned back to home that we rent in Texas. Kio came and hugged me as I entered the home. "Thank you Lana. I don't know what to say, I never expected you to do this."

"I can do anything for the ones that I love." I said.
The boys was awake, waiting for us to come, we talked a while then I went to my room to take a shower. After shower I was just in my towel, Bryce came into room. I was brushing my hair, he took the brush and started to brushing my hair.

"Will you leave me after what your family said to you?" he asked.

"Will you post Addison's nudes if I do that?" I looked at his reflection on the mirror into his eyes.

"Yes." he said.

"Then I will stay with you."

"How can you still care about her after your parents and Addison's cruel words?" he asked.

"This called love. Love is something you can die for or kill for. I would do the same for Jaden, Mads and Kio." I said.

"But not for me?" he said with a sad undertone.

"Would you do that for me?" I asked knowing the answer. That's why he didn't answer too. He put the brush down and kissed my shoulder.

   "Did you really broke Ryland's arm?" he asked.

   I laughed. "Of course I did.Remember I did to you once, didn't break but I guess it hurts, huh?"

  He laughed too. "That day your attitude was on fire. I was so suprised, I never expected you to do this just for your sister. You care about her more than yourself."

"As I should.She is my only family. I wish I didn't say anything to her when she was yelling at me in the police station.I broke her heart." I said.

"How exactly you broke Ryland's arm?" asked Bryce.

  "He captured me in the bathroom at Kio's birthday party, he was talking shit, he said he dated me just because they made a bet about me with Chase, he said Chase wanted to fuck you but I moved first. So I broke his arm and left him in the bathroom." I get up and opened the closet to take my pajamas.

  "I think you don't need to wear anything." said Bryce. "Cause they will be on the ground in a few minutes."

  He came to me and smashed his lips onto mines.I kissed him back thinking tonight Addison will sleep with Ryland. Bryce put his left hand to my hip and right hand to my belly, he started to caressing slowy.

  Then he pushed me on the bed and I dropped my towel on the floor...

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