Chapter Seventy-Five

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Ellie's words from last night lingered on my mind as I sat through a meeting with the label. I couldn't get my head in the right place. Couldn't think of anything other than the tone of her voice and the pain in her words.

"Sound okay?" Marcus interrupted my memories, and I shook my head.

"Sorry, what?"

He rubbed his temples and shared a glance with one of his colleagues.

"Your radio interview this afternoon. It's a Q and A. They took questions online the last couple days and are going to be asking you both some." He pointed to Bondy and I.

"What about Blakes and Bob?"

"They're going to be doing a separate interview...I just said this. Were you not listening?"

Bondy kicked my boot softly under the table.

" I'm sorry...yeah that's fine."

Marcus sighed and thumbed his way through a few more documents. Signatures here and there on the royalties and rights of my lyrics and the band's songs. This was the part I hated most. Giving away my rights to people who had no idea what it took to write a song or create a lick. But they were the first to judge me on it, the first to say if it didn't make the cut, and the first to cash in on my work.

We signed our names, nodded when we needed to, and played the part. And this would be the last time. Next time around, things would be different.

"So you and Bondy head downstairs. A car will pick you up in a bit for the interview, and that's all for today. But you've got pretty big engagements tomorrow so please don't take this free night as a pass." Marcus's eyes flashed to me.

Bondy cleared his throat and stifled a laugh.

"With all due respect, we're not the same kids you met in our early twenties." I barked my words at him sharply.

"Pardon my assumptions then, but let's not forget the brawl you got into in America, and the things you put us through last year. Every mess we clean up of yours' costs money. We take a cut every time you feel the need to piss off."

My teeth clashed together harshly.

"Your car will be here soon, best be going then." He waved us off with a flick of his wrist.

Bondy and I rose at the same time and exited the room without another word to Marcus, just a small nod at Blakes and Bob. They looked as disgusted as we felt.

We left the room swiftly and said nothing as we waited for the lift, but once we were inside and the doors closed, I let out a long exhale and looked up at the ceiling, pressing my back into the mirrored wall behind me.

"Bloody hell." I pinched the bridge of my nose.

"You get any sleep last night?"

I shook my head.

"I thought we were over that, yeah?"

I shrugged. "I stayed on the phone with El for a while after she fell asleep."

Bondy's face twisted into an odd mix of curiosity and humor. "You just...stayed on the phone while she slept?"

"Just in case she woke back up. But afterwards...I couldn't sleep at all. Just started writing, and before I knew it, the sun was up."

Bondy nodded once like he could make sense of what I was saying, but I knew it went over his head.

"I miss her."

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