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I sat in the dark room of my house re thinking of all the memories of me and my mother. I really never had a father figure in my life because I never knew him so now I live alone because I'm considered an adult now. I live in a small apartment not to big and not to small, but just for my liking.

I make my money from working in the malls food court that's about the only time I come outside or forced to be happy and socialize with people. But behind closed doors it's a whole bunch of tears and tissues.

I'm not the type of person to make friends easily never have been it was just me and my mom. But I do know this guy named JoJo we just don't talk much.

Anyways today is a Saturday and I have to get up for work at 3. So therefore I dragged my self out of bed seeing it was already 2:30 and knowing I wasn't going to be there until 3:30 Because I take forever to get dress.

( 1 Hour later)

I had finnaly got dress and made it to the mall. I wasn't rushing Because I didn't care so when I got to the food court I went behind the counter of Chick-fil-A and checked in. As soon as I did my boss Jared came up to me.

Jared:" Your late again Mike"
Me:" Sorry I had overslept"
Jared:" 3 days in a row"
Me:" I'm sorry, if it helps I'll close up"
Jared:" Fine, but if it happens again-"
Me:" Mhm ok"

He nodded and walked away as I walked up to the cash register. After waiting a while a girl came up to me.

Me:" Hi, how may I help you"
Girl:" Can I please have a vanilla milkshake"
Me:" Small, medium or large"
Girl:" Medium"
I nodded putting what she said into the machine and waited for her recipe number to come out.

Me:" That would be $1:75"
She handed me the money and i gave her the receipt.
Me:" Have a nice day"
Girl:" You too"

I sighed looking around until 3 light skin boy's came up to me. One looked about 6 foot and had curly hair with dreads type theme going on with his hair, the other was the shortest out of the 3 and had puffy curly hair with a sharp jaw line, but the last one had short curly hair with light brown eyes and arched eyebrows.

I continued looking at him until he looked at me making me speak up.

Me:" Hi, how may I help you"
"Yeah, can I get a spicy chicken sandwich with no pickles and a medium coke"
"May I get the same thing but with Pickle's"

"Can I have the regular chicken sandwich with mayonnaise and a medium sprite"
I nodded putting there orders in.

Me:" Your total is $20"
They handed me the money and gave them there receipt with the number on it. They took it and walked away. Soon after more people came up.

(5 minutes later)

5 minutes have past and the same boy that had short brown hair walked up to me.

Me:" Yes"
"May I ask you something"
Me" Sure"
"Can I get your number"
Me:" You don't even know my name"
"Is it Michael"

Me:" How did you know"
"It's on your name tag"
Me:" Right, so what's your name"
I fell in love with his voice it's literally the cutest thing I've ever heard.

Me:" What"
Derek:" You said my voice is the cutest thing you've ever heard and that you fell in love with it"
Me:" I said that out loud"

He nodded as I blushed slightly looking down.

Derek:" So can I get your number"
Me" Yeah sure"
I gave him my number and looked back up at him.
Derek:" I'll text you later alright"
Me:" Ok, bye"
Derek:" Bye, Mike"

With that he walked away as I looked down replaying what had just happened. For some reason I felt a feeling of joy when he talked to me but then when he left I just went back to the normal mug I have on my face.

(End of shift)

It was now 8 and it's time for me to close up. After doing all of that I clocked out and walked back out my car going home. Since I was hungry I picked me up a sub eating it on the way.

After getting home I threw away my trash and took a shower and changed into some basketball shorts and took out my contacts.

I brushed my teeth and did my skin care looking at my self in the mirror. But looked away before tears I couldn't control came down my face.

Since it was already 10 now I just decided to call it a night. I climbed in my bed putting my phone on the charger and went to sleep.

A few minutes later my notifications light flashed but I didn't answer because I was to tired. So instead I ignored falling into a deep slumber.


If you have made it to the end you are welcome to the party so here's a piece of 🥦. Eat your veggies kids😌. Anyways here's a lil quote for my lovely reader's 😝...

IF A NIGGA DON'T WANT YOU THAT MEANS HE CAN'T HANDLE YO SEXYYY ASS, so don't be thinking y'all ugly because y'all fine as fuck ok but anyways don't forget it either. Also don't be crying over a nigga and let him get the satisfaction of him hurting you, instead you pop off on that bitch and slay the run way and that's on GIRL POWER BABY.

But yeah just wanted to let y'all know💅🏾

edit-Updating spelling 

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