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Go add my book that just dropped it's a Mallyk book so yeah and the person who's idea will be tagged in this chapter and in the Summery/ Cast of the other book. So yeah now continue.


I walked into the building with a long sigh. I didn't know if I was gonna make it out of here alive (barzz💅🏾)  or not but it had to be done. I walked up to the house and nocked on the door.

After 5 long dreadful minutes someones answered the door.

"I see your back" the louisiana voice spoke to me with a smirk. "I only came here because you owe me my money" I stated and chuckled. "You owe me alot more then money" he said un tieing the draw strings of my sweats. "No I don't, I kept your secret now give me my money" I groaned and just like that I was pinned against the wall.

"You thought it was that easy" I heard a voice from beside me say. "W-what" I stuttered out. "This just the beginning ma" and just like that my pants were dropped and his dick was inside me. "AHHHH, STOP!"

"Tie him down and call the others we bout to run a train"


I sat in the ice cream polar with Sy and Jr as we ate ice cream. "Mikey can I play on your phone" he asked and I nodded giving it to him. "So Mike, what brings you to LA" Sy asked me. "Well I've been going threw some stuff at home so I came down to visit" I said and he nodded. "But how about you, do you live here" I asked and he nodded.

"Just me and little Jr, everything I do is for him" he said Looking at Jr with a smile. "I understand, if I was a parent I'll do anything and everything I can to provide for my child" I said with a small smile. "Well you have to when your single and the father of your child was murdered" he said with no emotion.

"Oh I'm sorry" I said shocked. "It's fine, I've been getting better with handling it over the years I mean it did happen 3 years ago" He said looking down. "I'm guessing Jr dosen't know him" I asked and Sy nodded. "Jordan only got 6 Mouths with his son but one day he walked out side at the rong time and just like that he was gone but I'll never forget the black eyes that looked at me while he did it" He said Looking at me.

"You could see the pain, fear, hate, love, happiness everything you could see all the emotions just by look into his eyes" He said looking away from me. "But there's one thing I still never understand" he asked. "What" I asked. "He showed me his face and told me 'you'll see me again, just threw a different person'" he said Looking at me. "What did the person look like.

"Curly brown hair, wore black wriped jeans and black shirt, black air forces. Had this smile that I can't explain. His voice sounded like a girl but the looks he gave you made it worse. But the thing that I just now realized is that he had the letter M with a crown over it tatted behind his ear" he said and I nodded when it hit me.

( Before Mike read the gernal)

"Babe what's that behind your ear" I asked Derek sitting on his lap. "It's your initial" he said making me smile. "When did you get it. "3 years ago" he said. "But we didn't meet then" I said Confused. "But we did" he said with a smile kissing me.

"You'll understand one day"

Recap over.

"Mike you ok" Sy asked. "Yeah I-, I'm fine" I said shaking the thoughts out my head. "Well I gotta go take Jr home wanna meet again some time" he offered and I agreed. "See you later Sy, bye Jr" I said hugging Jr. "Bye Mikey" he waved before the 2 walked off.

I then felt blood dripping out my noes. I looked up seeing a person in all black looking at me from across the street. I suddenly started chocking. Like I couldn't breath. I held my neck  trying to breath but I couldn't. My noes continue to bleed as I fell on the ground coughing. My eyes were red and my Eye's rolled back from it feeling like somebody was chocking me.  I Looked at the figger one more time before I stopped moving completely.

I gasped looking away from the spot turning around. I put my hand to my noes and it wasn't bleeding. "Um ok" I said before walking off.


NEW BOOK JUST DROPPED, it's a Mallyk book so YURRRR go add it to what ever library you have but yeah the idea was from um_no_mf_thx so yeah go read that book, well the cast and summery.

Dagger dick out 😘

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