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"I still see your shadows in my room, can't take back the love that I gave you, it's to the point where I love and I hate you and I can not change yo so I must replace you.

Easier said then done, I thought you were the one, listening to my heart instead of my head, you found another one but I am the better one.

I won't let you forget me."


Love is a hateful thing to feel. It makes you feel like you have to be there and stay sane when your with that person, like it's a weight on you to look after and take care of that person. It's pointless, a waste of time and just over rated.

But why do I want it...

Why do I want to feel loved by that special someone in my life? why can't I just enjoy being single? WHY DO I FEEL THIS WAY?!

I groaned throwing my covers from over my body as I stormed to the bathroom. My head hurt from all the things I've thought of in the last 24 hours. Making Derek feel how I feel is fun and all but I just can't do that to him but I will because he needs to know how I felt.

My life is complete shit bruh. I wish I can just go back to when I was 16 and my mom was still here with me.

Sighing I wiped a tear that slid down my face.

Me:" What would she do"
I thought of things my mom would do if she was in this situation.

I just thought of calling him over so we can talk.


Me and Derek were sitting In the kitchen when I started talking.

Me:" Well, I called you over so we could talk"
Derek:" About"
Me:" Us, I want you to get to know me"
Derek:" I'm listening"

Me:" My name is Micheal Chong, I'm 18 years old, I'm Dominican and Chinese. I lost my mom when I was 16 also the day I found out I was gay. My father abandoned me after I told him I was gay and left me with nothing. After high school I got a job and eventually got my own place and I soon hope to go to college"

I looked back at Derek and he looked very interested in what I said.

Derek:" Wow, I never knew you went threw all of that you seem so happy"
Me:" Derek your the one who's making me happy"
He looked down blushing.
Me:" Tell me about you"

Derek:" I'm Derek Trendz and I'm 16 years old and a Junior in highschool, my parents are big business people and are homophobic. I'm confused about my feelings for a certain someone that I can't seem to control and my body count is 2"

Me:" Cool, but who's the special someone your confused about"
Derek:" Doesn't it already show"
Me:" Huh"
He just rolled his eyes playfully before coming and standing Infront of me.
Derek:" It's you that I'm confused for"

Me:" Well let me make you less Confused"

I cuffed his face in my hand as his light brown eyes looked into my chocolate ones. This time he didn't hold back he actually let me do what I was about to do.

Derek:" Do it"
He wispered in my ear making me bite my lip. I gripped his waist making him whimper from it still being sore.

I lifted his shirt rubbing my thumbs over the bruises. He took my face into his hand and pecked my lips then kissed me after. I parted my lips kissing him back.

My tounge slid into his mouth as our tongues slipped and slidded against each other. Once again our lips connected but this time I picked him up.

Derek:" I want you"
He wispered in my ear.
Me:" Wait on that"
I pecked his lips one more time before pulling away.

Derek:" Can I sleep over"
Me:" Sure, you already know where the stuff is"
He nodded and walked to the bathroom.


After Derek took a shower he came and layed on my lap

Me:" Cmere"
He sat up and looked up at me.
Me:" Come"
I held my arms out as he sat on my lap.
Derek:" I'm tired"
Me:" Go to sleep bub"
I rubbed on his butt as he drifted off to sleep.

Me:" I hope I can make you mines one day"

I sighed and threw the blanket over us laying my head on his and going to sleep.


Hey Baby's 💜

edit-Updating spelling 

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