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I woke up with a arm wrapped around my waist. I turned around seeing Derek sleeping. He was groaning slightly holding his stomach.

Out of curiosity I felt it and he groaned. "Babe stop that hurts" he said and sat up. "Ow" he groaned in pain. "Babe" I said quietly and he looked at me. "You ok" I asked but he didn't answer. "Derek do you need to go to the doctor" I asked and he nodded.


We were sitting in the room waiting for the doctor when she walked in. "good morning gentleman" she said with a smile as she sat in a chair. "So what seems to be the problem" She asked looking at us.

"Well, my lower stomach has been hurting me alot" Derek said and the lady modded. "Have you had any sexual encounter lately" she asked and Derek modded slowly. "Was it forced" she asked and Derek sat there thinking. "No but 6 Mouths ago I was raped and abused" he said and the doctor Looked at me. "No no no I did not do it" I said quickly and she nodded.

"Ok hun can yo lean back for me" she said and Derek obeyed. "May I" she said pointing to his shirt and he nodded. She pulled it up and gasp. "Oh my God" She said and Derek looked away. "I'm sorry I did that I've just never seen anything like this before" she sad refering to all the marks Derek had on his stomach.

"It's fine" he quietly mumbled. She nodded and started pressing on his stomach. "Does it hurt here" she said pressing his sides and he nodded.  "Here" she asked pressing near his waist band and he nodded. "I'm gonna need to take a test just to make sure there's nothing major" She said and he nodded.


After the test the doctor said we'll get the results in 16 minutes. While the doctor walked out Derek was looking down so I walked up to him. "You good" I asked and he nodded. I then wrapped my arm's around him and he did the same to me.

That's when the door opened and the doctor walked in. "Ok you guy's, it says that in the rough interaction the person may have moved some things around so now that there out of place it's causing pain in your lower abdomen and stomach but there's good news to" she said and I looked at here.

(I don't even know if that can happen so don't hate I just felt smart😭)

"There is a possibility you can also get pregnant because we found out that you have about 3 eggs planted inside of you but to birth the child you will have to do C section" she said and I nodded my head I was happy but on the outside I was shocked.

"Ok thank you" Derek said before she walked out I looked at him and he was looking forward. "Well I guess your dream of having kids will come true" He said looking at me with a smile making me smile.

I grabbed the back off his head kissing him. He smiled and pulled away.

"Ya boy gone be prego soon" He said sticking his toungue out and I shook my head smilling at him.


Looks like Derek gonna have some babies 😏 but not right now🙂

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