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( I just wanna say thank you lovely people for 1.03k reads I really do appreciate it😝. I love youuuu💙)


Today, well tonight I was gonna go back to Derek's hospital room and to my surprise Mike wasn't in there which was even better.

I closed the door to the room and walked up to his bed to see him asleep. I quickly grabbed the knife I had in my pocket puting it against his wrist pocking him a little back him move in his sleep.

"Wake up" I wispered in his ear making him jump looking at me. Once he seen me his eyes widened making me smirk and take out the gun I had in my pocket pointing it to his head.

"P-please" he stuttered looking a me. "No can do baby boy" I sad before injecting the liquid to make him fall back into a deep slumber. His boby fell limp as I chuckled to my self noing he's gonna forget what happened. I didn't wanna go just yet let so I kissed him and to be honest I didn't no why I even did it but I new I wanted more.

Once I pulled away my intention was just to come and go but now I wanted to stay. "I Know damn well I'm not about to catch feelings for this nigga" but right after I said that the door nob jiggled so I quickly hid under the bed. Mike then walked in the room looking around the room. Once he thought everything was good he sat on the couch in the room and went to sleep once I heard him snoring I quickly made my way to the door and back to the trap.

"That was close"


*Next morning*

The next morning I woke up to Derek looking around the room confused.

"What happened" I asked walking up to him to see he had a hickey on his neck. "He was here again and I think he kissed me to" Derek said feeling his neck.

"Ah hell nah" I said about to go find the nigga. "Bea chill, I think he put a gun to my head to but I could be trippin" he said shrugging it off but I wasn't buying it. "Then how do you explain the hickey on your neck" I said pointing to it. "weren't you sucking on my neck before you left the room last night" He said in a duh tone making me go quiet. "Mhm"

I rolled my eye's going to sit back down on the couch as he shrugged getting on his phone. "The doctors said I could get discharged today so can you go pack my stuff while I get dress" he asked me smiling. "Yeah sure"


After me and Derek got home he went to go take a shower and get in bed as usual. I decided to get in bed with him as well. We just sat there making small talk until we both got hungry.

"What you wanna eat" I asked him as he layed on my stomach. "I wanna burger from Burger King" he said looking up at me. "Ok I'll go get it for you" I said before putting on my slides and off to burger King.


After Mike left I didn't know what to do so I just sat on my bed looking at the walls until I felt a presence beside me. I looked to my left seeing the guy that I've been seeing in my dreams at least I think there dreams.

Before I could do anything he grabbed my hand." I'm not gonna hurt you but I will if I have to" He said making my breath hitch. He came and sat down beside me. "I came here to just see you even though I'm not supposed to" he said sighing. "The reason I'm here is because I want you and I'm gonna get you, eventually "

He said now grabbing my neck. We looked into each other's eyes and he slowly started leaning in and I let it happen. Once his lips met mind I kissed back.

The kiss was slow and wasn't rushed. He slid his hand down to my shirt pulling it off he kissed down my neck but not leaving any hickeys. Airy moans excaped my mouth as he kissed down my neck. But then he pulled away looking at me.

He was gonna speak but I cut him off. "It's alright, just go before Mike gets back" he sighed and got up off the bed but not before kissing me and jumping out the window. I quickly put back on my shirt just when Mike walked in.

"You ok"

"Yelp, everything's fine"

He's gonna hate me when he finds out what I did I him...again.



hello little people 😚

Make sure you go read my book please and thank you😁

Also don't be mad at me because it just gets worse from here😘

Anyways I love you's also thanks for them views😌😝

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