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It was now midnight and Mike should be coming any minute. I was scared as hell for him and whoever was with him. Suddenly I heard gun shots.

Kobe looked at me before trying to get out his ropes. "Let me help" we looked to see my sister. "TAY" she ran over to me quickly after helping Kobe as they both untied me. "I'm so sorry little bro" Before I could respond she yanked all the needles from my stomach placing a cloth on it.

"Fuck fuck" I yelled in pain. "Where's Mike" Kobe asked. "He's fighting of the others but we gotta go" Suddenly the door swung open revealing K3 and YB. "You gotta a gun" Kobe asked and Tay nodded.

"Y'all ain't going nowhere" YB said pointing his gun at me. "We'll see about that" We all looked to see Mike. He quickly kicked YB in the leg and K3 punched him in the chest but he dodged it punching K3 in the rib.

While Mike was fighting them off all of a sudden I heard a gun go off and something drop. I looked to see Mike on the floor holding his side. The person that shot him was my father.


After getting shot on my side Malak walked up punching me in the face making me hit my head on the floor. "You pussy as bitch" I heard YB say before kicking me in my back. I looked up seeing Derek frozen it was like he couldn't move but wanted to.

Before I could even move I looked to see a shoe over my face.




"You were always a pussy" My father said to me before stepping on my wound making me groan. I felt like I was really gonna die when I heard another voice

Pull it together Mike. Do this for Derek.

I looked to see Mar standing in the corner. I Looked back up and got ready to stand up. Once I did they all looked at me in shock. I was barely standing and didn't have anymore energy but I had to fight.

"Come on" I said spitting out blood. K3 shrugged and threw the first. I sent a nod to Tay letting her know to get out of here because I was gonna blow the place up.

I turned back and YB pushed me up against the wall punching me where my wound was. "AHHHH" I kneed him in his balls making him fall. I took my gun shooting him in the head looking back at K3 He already had a gun pointed at me.

I suddenly felt someone choking me. I grabbed at there arm trying to get away. "let me go" I looked at the clock and I had 3 minutes to get out of the building.

Quickly, I twisted Malak's arn and used him as shield when K3 tried to shoot me. I pushed K3 out the window making him fall 2 feet down and instenly dieing.

The last person who was standing was my father. "Just you and me huh" he said. "Not for long" I had 30 more seconds. I quickly ran to the window jumping out.




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