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I sat in my room in the dark listening to the disgusting sounds that happened over the phone. It hurt to here him moan someone's name like that. I just sat there with a straight face the whole time until they realised he never hung up.

(Hours later)

2 hours and there still at it. To this point I'm just sipping on some water until the movement stopped and I heard mumbling.

"Vro, you know Derek was on the phone the whole time" I heard Jah say and I just Chuckled. "WHAT!" Mike screamed taking the phone. "Derek I-" I cut him of by ending the call.

I won't let him get the satisfaction for what he did. Instead imma let him hurt even more them he already was before.

After getting my self together I felt like just going out because I had nothing else better to do. So I grabbed my wallet and not my phone because I didn't wanna be bothered with anyone.


A few minutes later after just following where my feet carry me. I ended up at the beach just sitting and listening to the water. "Why you out here alone" I looked up to see the guy from the bar that night. "Oh hey" I said and he sat down beside me.

"How have you been" he asked and I shrugged. "Just listened to my ex fuck his best friend who is taken, I think" I said not really knowing if Jah is taking or single anymore. "That's tuff, but if it makes you feel better my girl just dumped me because I was cheating on her" He said and I laughed.

"I would have broke up with you to" I said shrugging and he looked at me. "So you saying you'll be with me and I chuckled. "Mmm, never that" I said and he shook his head. "We'll see" He said with a smirk making me mistakenly blush.

"So what brings you to the beach" He asked and I shrugged. "I just needed to clear my mind with some type of noise to ring in my ears instead of my loud thoughts" I explained. "What type of thoughts do you have" He asked and I shrug. "You ask alot of questions" I said looking at him.

"I'm just a cearios person" he said and I nodded. "And I like that your very mysterious and have things you wouldn't dare to tell anyone, it makes you different" He said genuinely making me look down. "Yeah well I guess some people can't see that so they take advantage of it" I said Looking into the dark sky.

"Don't let them get to you, your beautiful and you should learn to exept it" he said as I felt a hand on mine. I Looked down and back up at him. He looked me in the eyes before I could look away. He just continued looking me in my eyes until I finally found the courage to look away.

"I'm sorry" He said and I didn't respond. "Imma go" he said but I pulled him back down. "Please stay, I don't have anyone here and I just like your company" I said and he shrugged sitting down.

We sat in silence until I heard soft snores coming from him. I Looked and he was sleeping laying his head on my shoulder. I smiled a little and just continued to look off into open space.

I just hope things get better because if not there's no point of fighting for someone I know will never come threw.



Nah I'm playing ☺️ but I'm sorry I unpublished this first it was bc I didn't finish proof reading it but yeah.

I'm happy bc I don't have work today and nun of my stuff is done until Friday ✨😌

But imma spam before dance practice 🙂.

Also if you read me NBAK book can y'all give me ideas pls😘

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