Chapters 3 ( Page 1 )

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It's been a couple of weeks since Derek has been home with his lover. The two have been greater then ever but even though Mike dosen't know what Derek's is doing Derek dosen't let it effect or get in the way of his love for Mike.


It was a Saturday and Derek and I went out for a run. We've been doing that just to spend more alone time with each other.

"Wanna race" he asked and I shrugged. "To the pole and back" I said and he nodded as we both took off. He picked up his pace and ran right past me like the flash making me stop completely.

"I win" he cheered and I rolled my eyes. "I guess so" I said smilling as I kissed his cheek. Also I grew but only by one inch.

"I'm tired" I said and we started our walk back home. "I like the feeling of the breeze" he said smilling. "Me to" I said looking down but suddenly he stopped and looked around.

I Looked up confused for a second until he looked at me. "Let's take a short cut" he said and I nodded following him.

Once me and Derek got home we both hopped in the shower sharing a couple kisses before getting out and putting on clean clothes.

Derek went to play the game while I went downstairs to watch TV. I turned threw channels until I got to diseny and watched Raven's Home.

I jumped as the old episode with the ghost started to play. "Hell nah" I said changing the channel to ID a show that shows people's death's.

After a few episodes I was shocked how your own father would rape you. I mean I have no room to talk my father tried to kill me but rape is worse.

"Mikey" Derek said sitting down. "Yes bub" I smiled as he pouted looking at me. "My fucking head hurts" he said frowning at me. "Well see you ok" I asked and he shook his head. "No, everything fucking hurts" he says and I was confused.

"You know what's funny" He said and randomly started laughing. "When I was taken for the second time I was rapped but it just hurt worse and I thought it was all over, I thought it was all over but it's not. I will never have a regular life because something always ruins it but that's what's so funny to me" He said laughing but eventually he started crying

I pulled him into me as he sobbed on my shirt. "I just wanna be free from all this" He mumbled. "I wanna just live my life with you and be free, I wanna go back to the beginning and reverse every bad thing that happened into something good" I mumbled and I let him talk.

"But the only thing good about this whole thing is that I still manage to have you" He said Looking up at me. "Your the only one I'm fighting for and when everything sedles down we can maybe move out of of jersey and even have kids if you want" He said and I smiled a little. "I would love that" I said and he nodded whipping his tears.

He looked up and kissed my forehead. "I live you Mikey and always wil"



It's midnight and I was in my all black attire. I just had to meet up with the gang to discuss something so nothing much but I still had to be strapped.

I picked up my phone and the burner phone and put them in my pocket. Walking up to Mike and leaned over making sure he was sleep before nodding and walking to the door-

"Where you going nigga" I jumped hearing his voice and shuffling on the bed but I didn't say anything. "Derek I can see you with your Light skinned ass" he said I cursed under my breath turning around.

"I gotta go out" I said and he looked at me. "Where" He said. "The store" I lied but he believed it. "Ight" he said and went back to sleep. I sighed in relief as I walked out the door and to my car.

Once I got in my lower stomach started to hurt making me hover over a little bit groaning. "What the fuck I eat" I said to my self before cranking up the car and driving to the trap.


I grabbed my piece putting it in the front of my pants and walked in being met with a strong smell of weed. I walked deeper Inside the house going to the living room where everyone was. "Finnaly what took you so long" Jah asked as everbody looked at me. "Man's was asking questions" I said and Jah nodded.

"Anyways, today we gonna be talking because somebody out here done did some shit with Polibo and he don't like it" Bashar said. " Why he mad fo" Somebody asked. "Cuz a nigga killed his son" JoJo said looking at me. "What I ain't do shit" I said and he only smirked and that's when it hit me.

He killed him didn't he?

I bit my lip nervously as Bashar Looked at all of us suspiciously. "Derek" He Called out in that deep voices makeing me scream Inside. "You know who did it" He asked and I shook my head. "Nah mane I don't" Lieing right threw my teeth and Jah Chuckled.

"Why so nervous" he said and I side eyed him. "Shut the hell up whitcha' big fo head lookin' ass" I said Looking at him and he glared.

"Alright bitch, I know you not talking R. Kelly Fucking that hoe Aya on the low" He said and I froze. I Looked at him one good time before taking out my pistol and shooting him in the shoulder.

"I gotta a whole nigga my guy you could have had one but yo as to much of a hoe to keep one" I spat. "Now, I ain't kill Matta bitch ass and I don't know who did and I damn sure not fucking with Aya ass" I said as my eyes turned black.

"Ok Derek chill" Tay said. "Well since y'all don't know we gonna have to find out because he got me fucked up rolling on one of men" Bashar spat.

"But for now y'all can leave" He said and I nodded and was the first one to walk out but wish I was the last because as soon as I opened the door bullet's were being flown.

I don't now but I was froze and didn't move as the car drove by. I then came back into reality when I felt pain in my lower stomach.

I Looked down seeing Blood. "Derek why the fuck" JoJo said as they pulled me inside patching me up. "You staying here" he said but I shook my head. "I got Mike at home and I don't need him trinna track me down" I said and JoJo shrugged.

"Fine but are you good" He said and I scrunched up my face. "Don't do that Expectuly after you raped me with no mercy" I said pushing him off of me before storming out the house slamming the door.


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