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Damn we at fifty all ready👄.

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I cried, I cried so hard until my chest burned. I was just whipped to death just because I didn't fix your food right, over FOOD. I was beat for no reason now I was left when red and purple marks on my body with some covered in blood. I had a gash into my cheek that blood dripped out of.

I couldn't move, my body was limp. Why was 'Derek' doing this to me. I thought he loved me, cared for me wanted to love on me. But THIS is the opposite he wants to beat me, hurt me. He's killing me physically and mentally.

I've tried to leave, I've tried to call someone but ever time he cought me and ended up biting me, yes biting me. Like actually biting into my skin and making it  bleed. I have several bite marks on my neck from him in only 2 days. But for some reason I still love him.

"MICHAEL!" 'Derek' screamed as his heavy foot steps echoed threw the house. "Y-y-yes D-daddy" I stuttered out as he angrily walked towards me. "Didn't I tell you to make the bed" he said and I nodded. "THEN WHY DIDN'T YOU DO IT!" he screamed punching me in my stomach.

"I-i'm s-s-sorry d-da-ddy" I stuttered hold my stomach in pain. "Good" he smiled kissing me and of course I kissed back. He slipped his toungue in my mouth making me moan a little and grabbed my bare ass digging his nails into my brusies making me screem but he still kissed on me.

I screamed so loud that he bunched me in me back making me fall face first on the ground busting my lip. 'Derek' looked down at me. "You really are nothing but priceless trash, Should have just died like your little mommy did" he said before kicking me and walking away.


I sat in this dark room hearing all the things around me. I watched as D hurt Mike all I could do was cry. Seeing him hurt made me weaker. I want to hold my baby, I want to confert him. He's scared of me but I know he still loves me because if he didn't he would have been gone.

But right now D was watching Mike clean dishes as he cried silently so I was watching him to.

"Comere" D called out and Mike immediately came to him. I seen Mike looked into his eyes knowing D dosen't like that. "Stop looking at me he said pushing Mike but he continued to look. I Looked into his eyes and felt a spark on my chest.

He smiled but I didn't know why. "What the fuck, you a witch or something get the fuck out my face" D said pushing Mike away where he fell. "I'm sorry" he mumbled. "You better now go back to cleaning them dishes"

And Mike did just that.

That's probably all you'll get today I'm sorry🙂

Dagger dick out👌🏾

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