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"Babe did you finish getting the rest of the boxes from out the car" I asked Derek as he walked back in the house out of breath from carrying all the boxes inside our new house.

"Yeah that's all, but I'mma go to sleep because I'm tired as a bitch"
He was about to walk off but I pulled him back. "Mike chill bruh I'm tired and I wanna shower"

Did he just call me his Bruh?

I let go of him as he thanked me walking away as what he just did wasn't a problem.

"Ok, I'll be out in like 45 minutes" I just scolfed going in the kitchen to start putting the rest off the stuff away since we only had to put stuff up in the kitchen.

45 minutes later I was done and Derek came downstairs with some basketball shorts with no shirt on.

While me on the other hand just continued doing what I was doing ignoring him.

"Babe" I didn't pay him no mind. Since he wanna call me his Bruh.
"I know you hear me lil dark skin self"

I then felt him pick me up making me drop my phone on the floor.

" DEREKKKKK!"He just continued laughing making me groan. "Tell me why you not talking to me before I throw you in the pool"

"NO NO NO NO" I said frantically trying to get out his grip he had around my waist. "Is it because I called you bruh" he said rubbing my butt. "Yes, now put me down" He just Chuckled placing me back on my own 2 feet gently.

"I'm sorry if I made you feel a certain way but you still my baby" he said kissing me after every word making me smile. "I forgive you" he then smiled looking slightly down at me.

"Great, also I have someone I want you to meet, he should be here in-. Derek was then cut off by the sound of the door bell going off. We both walked to the door and Derek opened it revealing a light skin boy with curly hair and pretty eyes.

Him and Derek were almost the same height but the boy was taller.

"Come in" Derek said to the boy as he walked in turning back to us. I looked at Derek confused making him start talking. "Mike this is Juan, Juan this is my lovely boyfriend Micheal but you can call him Mike"

" Well what's up lil nigglet" Juan said looking at me. But I just gave him a slight wave in response. "Well imma let you guy's talk and imma get something to drink" Derek said frantically before disappearing into the kitchen.

Me and Juan just stood there until he spoke up. "I'm sorry if I came off like that I'm just a really hype person and talk to all my friends like that" I nodded understanding. "Your fine I'm just not use to meeting new people like that" I said shuffling in my possession. "It's cool, but do you have a game" he asked looking around.

"Uh yeah, you play" I asked looking at him. "I play 2k some times fortnight" he said shrugging. "Well if you want to we can play 2k together" I suggested. "I'm down"

He nodded and followed me upstairs to the game room where I had the game set up with other stuff.

We sat down and started playing while Derek was downstairs doing who knows what.


( Later on in the day )

I haven't heard from Mike or Juan since the 2 of them went upstairs. I think there playing the game I'm not sure. But I was just downstairs on my phone liking a couple pictures on IG here and there.

Since I was getting bored I went upstairs to check on the boy's seeing them both sleep in the game room.

Juan had his head back sleep with the controller and head set still on, while Mike was on the floor nocked out with his hands stuck in some cheese doodles.

I snickered lowly so they wouldn't here me. I picked up Mike and layed him in our bed then I woke up Juan and told him he can sleep in the guess bed room. After the both of them went back to sleep and me cleaning there messes I walked back downstairs.

After I straightened up a few things I took out the trash. It was dark out and it felt weird being out side this late felt like someone was watching me.

But once I looked around I didn't see anyone so I shrugged it off walked back in the house.


" I wake up every morning I got murder on my mind, aka 47 Mack 11 glocks and 9's and all these pussy niggas hating trinna nock me of my grind, but I can't let em do it I got murder on mind-

Bitch I got murder on my mind"

^^^ Sometimes I wish I had a friend that understood me😔

But good night cheetahs 😘

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