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I sighed waking up in the dark room again I smiling thinking about what happened yesterday. Even tho Mike didn't know it was me I'm happy he at least felt it was me. But D won't hurt Mike any more. I've tooken control just not completely. But also I can't promise I can lose that control and D hurts Mike.

While Mike was laying down up stairs D was downstairs groaning in pain as I thought about love and affection making him weaker. "STOP!" He yelled causing Mike to run downstairs looking at D but suddenly I started to shake.

My eyes rolled back so I couldn't see. Once my eyes rolled back to where they were I was face to face with Mike. I Looked around moving around seeing if I was tripping. Mike Looked confused but I just smiled and hugged him but not to much to hurt him.

This isn't over Derek

"I'm back baby" I wispered and he looked at me and jumping back. "What" He pointed to my eyes. I looked in a mirror and my eyes were black, like the whole thing was black. I sighed closing my eyes breathing in and out before opening my eyes seeing they changed back to there normal color.

I looked back at Mike and he looked confused. "What are you" he said making me look down. "I don't know what I am or who I am anymore, but I do know that I'm not gonna let that get in between my love for you" I said with a sigh.

He slowly walked up making me look down at him. I felt his hand on my cheek and I placed mine genteelly on his. He looked into my eyes and sighed. "I know, but I don't wanna be with a person that might switch up and hurt me" he said rubbing his thumb over my cheek.

"I know, your scared of me aren't you" I asked and he nodded making me pout. "I understand if you want to go stay with Tay and Kea if you need space because I need some of my own but don't think just because I need space that it's because of you"

I said holding his hands. "I love you Mikey and always will" I said kissing his nuckles. He nodded and smiled. "I'll give you time to your self I know you need it and I love you to" He said before kissing my cheek and hugging me. I sighed in relief hugging him back.

"I'll go pack Alright" He said and I nodded sitting on the couch. Once he came back we got in the car and started driving. After getting to Tay and Kea's house I got out and let him out and got his bag from the back. He smiled and took the bag.

"How long are we gonna be from each other" he asked and I shrugged. "Just until I can control my self" I said and he kissed his teeth. "And how long will that be" he whined. "I don't know, but soon" I said kissing his forehead rubbing his head.

"Fine" he said Looking back up at me then jumping. "Fuck" I said groaning already knowing what it was. "Alright I gotta go love you" I said kissing him before getting back in the car. "Don't forget to call me when you get home and before you go to sleep" he said and I nodded smiling before pulling off.


I'm sorry y'all. I ended up falling asleep in the middle of writing this but  yeah 😌

I love you all☺️

Dagger dick out👁️👄👁️

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