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I was freaking out making my blood pressure go up. Mike told me he loved me and then went outside screaming.

I wanted to help him but as the screaming calmed down the pain grew worse.

That's when Kea and Tay ran in. "Derek you need to call down" Tay said but I couldn't and I wouldn't. "G-go" I said and they looked at me confused. "Where" Kea asked. "Mike" Tay's eye's widened.

"Kea we gotta go" she said. "Huh" She was lost and confused. "He's gonna jump" She said and Kea took off running out the door.

After that it was out of my control.


I ran as fast as I could to the bridge. I knew Mike and I knew what he was thinking. I wasn't gonna lose him, I couldn't lose him.

I ran up the bridge to see he was no where to be found. I started looking around frantically getting nervous. "KEA!" I heard someone scream I turned around  seeing Mike hanging on the railing.

I quickly leaned over pulling him up. Once he was on the ground I hugged him. "I couldn't do it" He said and I hugged him tighter. "It's ok Mikey" I said letting tears fall.

He sat there crying on my shoulder as we stood there in the rain. "I wanna be with him" he said and I nodded.


Mike was in Derek's hospital room sitting down as Derek sleepped. After we told Derek to calm down he eventually fell asleep while I went to go get Mike. Right now Tay and I are in the waiting room. "Imma head out Kea, I gotta go attend to Melanie" She said and I nodded. "Alright love bug" I said hugging her as she got up and walked away.

After she left I went back in the room and Mike was asleep. I smiled going to sit next to him. I kissed his and Dereksl's forhead before laying my head on Mike's shoulder and going to sleep.


(The next morning)

The next morning I woke up with Kea laying on my shoulder and me sitting on the couch. I Looked up seeing I was in Derek's room.

I sighed remembering everything that happened last night. I didn't wanna wake anyone up so I layed Kea down and covered her with my jacket.

After that I got up going to the bathroom. Once I was done I walked out rubbing my face. "Tired" I heard someone say. I removed my hand seeing Kea awake. "A lil bit" I said sitting down. She then looked at me.

"You know what you do almost caused Derek to have a seizure, right" She said and I looked away. "Kea please, I know what I did ok. The only reason I didn't do it is because of him" I admitted looking up at Derek

"I love the boy and I'll do anything to keep him out of harm's way but It seems I can't do that" I said Looking down again. "I don't wanna hurt or hurt him anymore. That's why I jumped, I only survived because I grabbed onto the rail from falling but if I didn't I would have died" I said blankly.

"It was a mirickle-" I cut her off. "No it was a mistake, I was supposed to die" I said and she turned me to face her. "Mike stop, you are loved ok you matter. I know you feel disgusted with your self and how you've been treated but you can change that. You have to use those thoughts to make you into a better person" She said Looking me in the eyes.

"Derek went back in that house and almost lost his life to kill the person that hurt him and you, so how do you think he would feel if you killed your self after he almost died for you" She said and that hit me hard.

"You need to think about that, I'm not saying that your feelings can't be to over whelming and to the point you just can't fight anymore because they can, just please think before you do something. Ok" I nodded understanding what she was saying. "Now go give him a hug" She said referring to Derek.

I looked over at him at he was looking at us. I looked down and got up walking towards his bed. I played with My fingers for a minute before I started speaking.

"I'm sorry that I had to make you feel my pain, I didn't mean to I just didn't wanna hurt you anymore. I felt disgusted about what happened and everything that we've went threw and what I put you threw. I don't forgive my self and never will but I don't regret trying to kill my self because I deserve it" I said still looking down. "But next time I will think about my loved ones and how they would feel if I took my life, I don't wanna put you threw that" I said looking up at him to see he had tears in his eyes.

"I love you" I said sniffing letting tears fall. I leaned over kissing him and to my surprise he kissed back. Once we pulled away I smiled and he did the same. "Now stop crying" I said whiping his tears and he chuckled. "Imma cry" Kea said from behind us making me laugh.

I turned around and hugged her. "It's ok Kea" I said and she nodded. "Alright imma go to my lover and cuddle him" she said walking out.

I turned back to Derek with a smile. "I guess it's just me and you huh"


So basically for the next few chapters Mike gone be in his feeling, cool🙂

But anyways I love you all my baby's and imma update tomorrow, fuck that schedule I did😌💅🏾

Ok bye now, muah💋

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