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I sat in the pool thinking about my dream that I had. I was confused to be honest but I just shrugged it off. In the mean time I was thinking about Derek and D how the 2 actually kinda were alike. But I didn't wanna think like that.

I sighed closing my eyes but quickly opened them as I was pushed under. Once I came up I went right back down. I tried to see who it was but it was just a black figure.

"Asfgde" I was running out of air as a tried to fight my way to the surface. The person let me up and I gasp but that was once again cut short when I was forced under, but this time I choked on water and eventually suffocated.

While all that was happening to Mike, D made Derek watch. Since D was in control Derek couldn't do anything in the inside. Derek tried to fight but he couldn't, he was lost in a dark room and couldn't seem to get out. He cried and screamed in his head trying to fight his demon but D was stronger then before making Derek pointless. D hated Mike and now that he was out he was gonna hurt him bad. From rape to beating the shit out of him and Mike would never know who it really was because now that D was stronger he could control how he acted and his eye color. He new Mike would eventually hate and fear Derek witch is what Taymor needed because with out Mike there, there is no Derek and it will be easier for Taymor to kill Derek and easier for Mike's dad to get to him. There was no stopping them. You couldn't stop them. Derek had lost and he new that and with out Mike knowing and not being on his A game he would be useless and nothing, the both of them would be...

There left to die slowly as the older's love slowly starts to fall away for the younger turning into  hate and fear not knowing that the younger was fighting in his head for control of his own body


I walked away back into my hotel room after doing the thing I had to do. I had so much hate for that boy I'm glad I did what I did now we're one step closer to killing Derek and I'm one step closer to getting my money. Everything I've done for them was fake I was just the messenger. But the one thing I didn't fake was my feelings for Mike, I'll never forget the kiss we shared. But as soon as I get my money I'm pouncing. I'll miss Mike dearly but he chose him so now he has to pay.


Whew chile😪


But just buckle your emotions bc it's about to be a hell of a ride 🤪

Dagger dick out🤩

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