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I woke up and packed all my stuff putting it in Tay's car before Derek woke up. "You sure about this Mike" she asked and I nodded walking back into the house up to the room. I grabbed my phone and slipped it in my back pocket but then I felt a pair of lips on my neck I smiled as he began sucking on it leaving a hickey and I did the same to him.

"I see your leaving me huh" I nodded with a sigh. "You'll see me again, I promise" he smiled kissing my lips. "Alright, I gotta go" I said pulling away. "Let me walk you out" he said and I nodded.  We made it to the front door and I opened it.

"Goodbye Derek"

"Bye Mike"

I walked towards the car but Tay gave me that look and I ran back jumping on Derek. He cried silently into my neck as I kissed his forehead. "I love you Derek and you will always be mine, forever" I wispered in his ear. He let me go and we pulled away.

"You be good alright" I said and he nodded. I sighed whipping a tear that slipped and kissed his forhead. "I love you Mikey and you will always be mine, forever" I smiled hugging him one last time.

I walked back to the car crying silently as I slipped the ring on.

I smiled at Derek one more time before getting in the car.


After landing in LA I called Tay that thanking her. Once I seen the person I was looking for I smiled. He turned around seeing me and he smiled as well. "What's up lil nigga" he said as we did our signature hand shake. "Hey Jah, where's Stoke" I asked. "He at MacDonald's as always" we both chuckled as he got my suit case and we walked to his car.

Once we got outside we seen Stoke. "STOKELY POCKELY" I screamed as he smiled hugging me. "Was up Mike, how you been" He asked pulling away. "I've been alright, how you been you know with Jah and all" I wispered and he chuckled. "We been good, I think imma tell him how I feel" I nodded and turned back around seeing Jah on his phone. "Come on vro's" Stoke said hopping in the front seat of Jah's range rover.

We all got in the car and pulled off. We eventually made it to there house that they share and got out. "This is nice" I said looking at the mansion Infront of me. "While thank you" Stoke said as we all walked in the house, I'll get the bags later.

"Your room is on the third floor to the left third door" Jah said eating an apple. "Ooo y'all got fortnite" I said and Stoke nodded. " for Jah" I nodded seating down on the couch. "So Mike who's the boy you've been talking about" Jah asked plopping beside me on the couch.

"Nun of your business Jah" I said and he snickered."does it have to do with something about this ring" he asked taking it off my finger. "Hmm Merek, Derek x Mike" He said and I nodded. "Tell me about this... Derek" he asked sitting cris cross apple sauce. He had his hair in pig tails with his dreads curly and a couple hanging down.

"Well, he was and still is my pride of Joy the only thing that I do is think of him but all relationships are not perfect. He was my first everything. I've never let someone kiss me and make love to me like he has. But before we got to that stage he was DL and he'll lie and fuck other people but I still let him into my life not carrying how much he hurt me. After all the hard times I got in some trouble and he did to, to the point where we both all most died. That's when we found out his personality D was taking over his body and was physically and mentally abusing me but it wasn't Derek. After mouth of fighting for control of his body he was free but not totally. I ended up giving him a chance to prove to me he could change for his sake not just mine but that changed yesterday when he killed the person that drowned me and the person that all most made me die. But one thing about Derek is that he'll do Anything to help you even if it means risking his life"

I finished off feeling the spark in my chest. Jah looked at me surprised. "But how do you know he's the one, the one that your risking it all for" he asked and I chuckled. " I've already have, several times actually" I said and he looked down. "I have s crush on Stoke and I feel like I wanna risk it all but I'm scared" he said playing with this finger's.

"Trust me Jah, he feels for you to" he smiled going to find Stoke. I smiled walking outside going to face time Derek.

Before the first ring could even go off he answered. He smiled looking at me. "Hey Mama's" He said. "Heyyyyy" I said and he smiled. "What you doing" I asked. "Nun, I just finished talking to Tay about some stuff" he said chuckling. "She kept asking me for peanut butter and pickles" he said laughing but I laughed nervously.

She's gone get ITTTTT.

"Yeah, but I'll call you later ok bub" I said and he nodded. "Ok Mama's love you" He said kissing his camera. " I love you to" I said doing the same thing hanging up and I quickly called Tay.


"Who are you"


SOOOOO, instead of making a squeal imma just make Chapters and you'll know bc I'll but Chapter 1 (One) and so on. ( Yes I was gonna end it) I'm doing this so I can just continued the book instead of making serval but if you want another book of Merek I'll be happy to make it for you😌

I just finished spanish and I'm happy but not really bc I gotta make up work bc I was writing chapters for you guys 😑 you lucky I love y'all 😤

Anyways let me go make more updates before I got to dance class so imma get to working on those 🤪

Dagger dick out 🙈

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