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Today was Saturday the day before Derek was suppose to come back and I was feeling kinda sick but I really haven't payed much attention to it until yesterday when I constantly started to throw up blood all day.

It got to the point where I just ended up passing out on the bathroom floor. So that night I went to the doctor and they told me I was fine but I am not fine I am no where near fine.

I haven't told Derek yet because I don't want him to worry I just want him to come home. But right now I'm drinking green tea why you may ask I have know idea I just did it because my mom would always do if when she was sick and it'll help.

But the green tea taste like garbage so I just ended up watching TV until my phone rung seeing it was a face time from Derek. "Hey Mikey" he said smilling down at the phone. "Hey bub" I spoke also with a smile. "Are you ok you look sad" He asked concerned. "No bub I'm fine don't worry about it" I told him but he didn't seem to believe it. "Baby are you good" he asked now sounding serious.

"I'm fine D chill" I said and he sighed letting it go. "Fine but what are you doing" He asked. "Nun just watching TV how about you" I asked. "I'm in walmart trying to find condoms" He said and I raised an eyebrow. "What you need condoms for" I said. "For you" he said in a duh tone making me chuckle.

"Hey Mike" I heard a familiar voice say and Derek glared at who ever. "Shut up lil bitch anyways it's that nigga Jah up in dis bitch" Jah said and I rolled my eyes so hard they all most got stuck.

"Why the hell are you with Jahseh" I said and Derek shrugged. "We work together" he said with a sigh. "Doing what" I asked and he went mute. "I can't tell you over the phone but I'll tell you when I get back ok" he reaured and I nodded. "Fine D but if I hear you doing some dumb shit I'll kill you my damn self" I said sternaly but this boy only bit his lip. "Ok Daddy" he said and hung up making me shake my head.



It was midnight and today we were all going to the club for our last mission which was to still a flash drive that had dirt on all gang's including ours and if we get it Bashar would be Don to all.

So that's what were doing now but this one means me and Jah are on guard dudie while Tay and JoJo go get the flashdrive. But Jah couldn't even last 5 seconds before he had a bitch dancing on him. "Lil boy stop" I said and he rolled his eyes. "Hey daddy" I heard from beside me turning to look I seen some thick brown skin girl.

Now I love me some melanin but I'm taking so no.

"Sorry but I'm in a relationship and already gotta daddy so if you will please move along" I told here and she scrunched up her face walking away.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

I heard and looked at Jah. "We got it" I heard Tay say threw  the ear piece. "Meet us back at the trap" Jah said quickly before we took off outside to my car. "Hurry up mane" I said and he rolled his eyes speeding to the car running right past me.

"Now you come on" he said and I groaned getting in the passenger seat. He cranked up the car and we pulled out but then 5 minutes in we started seeing Red, blue and white lights from behind. "Shit" I said as Jah sped up. "I'm not going back to jail" Jah said and started speeding down the high way. "Slow down" I said and he Chuckled having this evil grin on his face. "when I say jump do it" He said opening his door. "NO!" I said Looking ahead seeing a bridge. "MY CAR JAH NO!" I yelled. "JUMP!" He yelled and we both jumped out the car watching it roll down the hill.

"MY BABY!" I screamed and he laughed pulling me running into the woods back to the trap house. 


I gave up at the end 😔 but oh well anyways how have yall been I hope you've been good and if not everything will get better soon just pray for it and soon it will happen and if you need to talk my PM's are open to whom ever😊

I love you❤️

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