"Just the homey"

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( this is a one shot not a chapter bc I wanna read some happy type shit so yeah😁)


I was sitting on my bed when Derek came in the room on live.

"Mike is daddy" he said cheesing mad hard making me role my eyes. "Shut up Derek" I said kicking him off the bed with my foot. "Uhh, daddy that hurt" He said laughing getting up and sitting back down beside me on the bed.

I read the comments while playing in my curls.

"Do I like Derek, nah he just the homey" I said shrugging but seeing Derek frown a little bit. "Uh yeah, we're just homey's, bye I'll see you guys later"

He said before ending the live and walking back to his room but I stopped him.

"Where you going" I asked pouting "I'm nothing but just a homey so why you care" he said catching a aditude. I pulled him down on top of me so therefore he was on my lap.

"You not just a homey Derek, you my lil baby"

He started to blush mad hard while hiding his face.

"But-" he said looking at me but I just cut him off by pecking his lips. "I know what I said but that was just a cover up. I didn't want our business out there just yet"

I said holding his hands. "Oh, so you do like me" he said tilting his head. "Since day one, I was just to much of a wimp to say something" I said as he smiled. "There's that smile I love and cherish" he giggled at my excitement and kissed me.

The kiss lasted for 30 seconds in counting. Don't ask why I was counting.

"Will you be my Boyfriend Derek"

"Of course I Will"

We smiled and cuddled the rest of the night.


Yes finnaly some lovey dovey shit 😁

I love dark humor and shit but I miss the kisses and cuddles and stuff to 🙈

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