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I layed on the couch in the hospital room watching Derek sleep. We've been here from 3 day's now and his skin has cleared up it's just his throat, also the doctors just said to keep him in here until he feels comfortable with going back home.

But other then that he's good and as long as he's ok I'm ok.

I Played on my phone until I heard mumbling. I Looked up seeing Derek looking at me. I smiled and got up kissing him. "Good morning bub" he smiled in response since the doctors told him not to talk as much.

"How did you sleep" he just shrugged his shoulders. "I feel you hospitals beds are Very uncomfortable" He nodded agreeing. "But how are you feeling from a scale one to ten" I asked and he held up 5 fingers. "Progress"

I said shaking my head. "Oh, Tay and Kea are coming and there bringing food that you may not eat" I said and he pouted. "I'm only not giving you any because I don't need you chocking" he just shrugged and looked away from me. "Don't do that" I said and he didn't pay me no mind.

"I guess you can't have your hash brown" I said as he looked at me but I looked away.


Tay and Kea had finally brought the food and we were just sorting it out. Once I got mine I sat down. Derek watched me as I ate my sandwich. "You want some" I asked and he nodded. "To bad" he whined and I rolled my eyes playfully giving him the hash brown. He smiled and ate it.

Kea chuckled. "You spoil him way to much" she said making me roll my eyes. "It's the other way around thank you" I said and Tay nodded. "Derek did by him a house,a car and a customized chain to. It's most definitely the other way around" Tay said as I nodded. "True but Mike's the baby in the relationship" I gasped. "How" I said confused. "Tell me you not the one who don't be getting the most dick I can tell because you be glowing and them cheeks getting bigger and not the ones on your face" Kea said crossing her legs while I just sat there shocked. I looked in the mirror and I was really glowing.

"Omg" Tay laughed and Derek snickered. "No es gracioso perra "

("It's not funny bitch" is what it says according to good translate👁️👄👁️)

Derek gasped. "Did he just go Damimican on Derek" Kea said on shock. But I jus shrugged. "Sure did, watch when you get out this hospital on my hashtag not dead daddy I'll dick you down just wait" I said look his way. "Mhm" was all he said.

"Y'all are one weird couple" Tay said and me and Derek shrugged.

(Later that day)

It was now 5 in the afternoon and I wanted to do something but I didn't wanna leave Derek. Juan crazy ass kept on blowing me up asking if I wanna go to a party with him. But I declined the offer to stay with Derek.

I stood on the wall looking out the window watching as the cars went by. A sigh escaped my lips as I turned around to see Derek starring at me making me jump. He had on his clothes because the doctor said he could wear them. "Um, babe" I said as he walked closer towards me.

"C-can I-I h-hug Y-you" he asked me and I nodded. He slowly walked and wrapped his arms around me. I did the same placing my head on his chest. We just stood there hugging until Derek pulled away. His eyes were darkened. "Derek calm down" I said in a steady breath.

Once I tried to grab his hand he pulled away. "G-get a-away f-from me" he said and I was confused. "Derek calm down- I was cut of by him slamming me into a wall. I dropped to floor groaning in pain. He looked down at me in shock quickly helping me up. "I-i s-sorry" he said and I nodded hugging him. "It's ok, that wasn't you alright" I said as he cried in my shoulder.

"It's ok"


Here's a longer chapter that I wrote in class but yeah😁

Dagger dick out ✌🏾

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