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I've been trying to call Derek all day and he won't answer and I know why but still he needs to answer the phone.

"Uhhhhh" I groaned out when he declined the call for the 15th time. But on the 16th time he answered. "What do you want Micheal" he said sounding anoyed. " And if it's your sorry as apologize then I suck a dick" he said before hanging up.

Imma go track his ugly ass down since he doesn't wanna corporate . I walked down stairs and Sy and Jr were walking in. "Were are you" I asked and they looked at me. "Derek" Jr said and I looked at Sy. "where is he" I said walking up to him.

"He doesn't wannabe bothered, he just wants to be alone" He said looking down. "Sy please" I pleaded and he shook his head. "I made a promise to him Mike" was all he said before he walked away but Jr didn't. "I didn't make any tho come on" He said before grabbing my hand and running out the door.

We got in the car driving until Jr told me to stop Infront of this hotel. "This it" I said and he nodded. We go out and walked inside and Jr told me all the information I needed. "Thank you" I said as we stood Infront of the door.

"Your welcome Mikey" he said sitting down. "Here's my phone, if anything happens scream" I said as I gave him the phone and he nodded.

I turned back to the door and to my surprise it was open. I pushed the door open and walked in to see Derek no in there but his stuff.

I walked deeper into the room hearing the shower running. I decided to wait

(10 minutes later) soon the bathroom door open following with a bunch of steam. Derek came out and screamed once he seen me. "BITCH WHAT THE FUCK!" he screamed griping the towel. " Didn't, I-" I cut him off by telling him t say Jr. "I don't like him, jus be telling all the business" he said rolling his eyes.

"But anyways why are you here, I said I didn't want talk to you" He said confused. "But I needed ad wanted to talk to you" he said and he raised and eye brow. " What do you wanna talk about" he asked taking the towel to see he was just in briefs.

"About he situation" I said Looking down. "Michael, I said no ok why can't you get that I don't wanna talk" He said now angry. "Derek please" He looked at me before rolling his eyes and putting on basketball ball Short's and started putting on lotion.

"Fine Michael, talk" He said and I nodded. But when I tried to speak nothing came out and he chuckled.

"You don't even know what your gonna say, you just came here thinking I was gonna go back to you. Well you thought wrong my guy" he said with a fake smile before he took out his phone.

"You can leave now" He said looking up at me. "No" I said standing my ground. " Micheal you have nothing to say, nothing to prove, nothing to give and most definitely apology because this only happened not even less then a few hours"

He stated and I looked down. " Derek I'm sorry" I mumbled quietly but enough for him to hear. "That's all you got" he said laughing. "Get out my dam face" He said opening the door.

"I-" I was cut off. "Michael don't play with me" He said closing his eyes and breathing. "WHY ARE YOU STILL SITTING THERE!" He screamed slamming the door and looking at me. Now I was scared, as fuck.

He groaned walking up to me. "Michael fucking Chong, you have to got damn seconds to leave my sight or God so help me I will fuck your shit up" he said as his eyes turned black. I gulped kinda scared.

"Why don't you wanna talk to me" I asked and he chuckled looking away for me. "Because, I don't wanna take you back I wanna be with someone else but I know that you have my heart and that will never happen, but the thing is I need a brake and with you trinna talk to me imma just take you back then we're gonna be back at the beginning where we make up" he spoke turning back to me.

"I'm going to Florida don't call don't text nothing, if it's emergency feel free to but other then that don't you dare try it" He spoke. "Now, get out" was all he said before stepping away from me.

I nodded getting up. He watched as I slowly walked to the door, once it was open I looked back at him and he looked away. "Goodbye Michael" He said. "Bye, Derek" wit that I left not knowing when I'm going to see him again.


My baby Derek growing up y'all 😣.

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Dagger dick out 💧

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