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I layed on my bed as my stomach tightened a little. I was trying to go to sleep but that didn't work so I just sat on my phone until I get another text from that unknown number again making me groan in anoyance so this time I text back but the person only left me on read.

Rolling my eyes I got up walking down stairs coughing on my way down. Once I got to the kitchen I got some water before walking outside to get some air Because I felt like I was being suffocated in that house.

"HEY BESTIE!" I heard Kae scream 2 house down but because I had no energy I just waved back until there was a loud car speeding down the road and stopped right in front of the house. The car had tented windows so I couldn't see who was inside but when the person got out he sprented towards me hugging me.

"MIKEY!" He screamed happily making me smile. "Hey baby" I said kissing him as he returned the jester. "I missed you so,so much" he said and I Smiled again. "I missed you more bubba" I said and he grinned. He looked so happy and fool of light and it made me happy and almost forget my problems.

"I'ma tell you what I've been doing because I can't keep it away from you anymore" he said Looking me in the eyes. "Also this one bitch tried to hit on me but she got declined real quick but anyways whew let me breath" he said and stopped talking.

"But anyways I got you this hoodie and it has our ship name on it it's so cute-" I cut him off by coughing not purposely it just happened and didn't stop.

"Baby you ok" He said stopping his rant Looking at me patting my back. "I'm fine" I said catching my breath standing up Straight. "No your not Mike tell me wassup you were looking sad when we were on the phone and before I left you were breathing hard so tell me what's wrong" he said now sounding serious.

"Come inside"


After explaining everything he sat there looking at the wall. "There's gotta be a cure I can't lose you Mike" he said Looking at me. "Mattia did it didn't he" He asked and I nodded. "You killed him to didn't you" he asked again and I nodded slowly once Again.

"D I'm gonna be ok don't worry about it to much" I told him and he just looked at me like I was dumb. "You really think I'm gonna not worry when you just said your DIEING!" He yelled and I flenched.

"Derek calm down your making my head hurt" I mumbled laying back on the couch and his face sofend. "I'm sorry bub but I can't believe you just said that to me" he said chuckling to him self. "I love you ight and I'll do anything for you... just like I'm in a gang to Protect you" My eye's popped out of my head looking at him.

"I don't care who's it is but get out of it you will not and I repeat will not go down that same road you did once before" I said sternaly now standing up. "You have come to far from the for it to all be thrown away Derek you are 17 at that age I was a struggling senior trina make it to the next day wit the little amount of money I had I'm not letting you do that to your self. Yes I love that you care for me but risking your life every single day for me is not protecting me it's just putting us both in more danger"

I ranted and he looked long and hard at me before nodding. "Your right and I never thought of it like that and I'm sorry if I hurt you in anyway or if I let you down but I'ma get out of the gang, I promise" He told me standing up. He walked up and placed his hand on my cheek.

"I love you Mikey" he said quietly. "And I want you to take this" he said giving me a Bottle. "Jah gave it to me and told me to give it to you" he told me and I opened it. I Looked st him before slowly swollowing the black liquid that was in the bottle.

Taking it from my lips I looked back at Derek and he was already looking at me. "How you feeling" he asked.



Hey y'all ☺️

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