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It's all my fault. I did this if I wouldn't have walked out then this wouldn't have happened to niether of them.

I cried sitting on Mars couch as Tay and Kea tried to comfort me. "It's all my fault Tay, it's my fought that there in danger it's all my fault" I cried on to her shoulder. "It's not your fault Mike" She said rubbing her hand threw my curls. " I don't know if this will make you feel better but here"

Kea said giving me a journal. "What is this" I asked taking it. "It's Derek's old journal he used to write his thoughts or rarest secrets in but we never read it so we think you should" Tay said getting up with Kea as the 2 walked away. I sniffed looking down at the book in my hands opening it.

Dear diary,
My name is Derek I don't really have much friends but I do have a girlfriend that I love very much but I kinda don't wanna be with her because I've had my Eye's on this one guy for a minute but he's older then me. His name is Michael sometimes I'll see him around my sister when she would come pick me up but we never talked and he never noticed me. I use to imagine us being together but my dad would kill me if he found out he had a gay son so that's out of the picture. But I hope one day I'll be able to love and protect him with all my heart. I know he's special and I just feel like I need to protect him from out of harm's way with all my heart.


I smiled at the page whipping a few tears that fell. I never did notice that Derek was in the picture and I never new he was into me either.

"I love you to my love and once I find you I'm never letting you go" I wispered to my self as I carrsed my thumb over the front cover of the book.


I woke in a deemed lighted room seeing that I was tied up but it was just my hands and I was standing up with no shirt on. Suddenly I felt a larger sensation of pain on my back making me arch screaming in pain. The pain continued and so did my screams until the person stepped Infront of me to reveal K3.

"Hey lil baby" he said whipping me on the chest making me scream again. "You've been a bed boy and this is your punishment" he said continuously whipping me until I heard a deep Louisiana voice. "Alright, that's enough" YB said taking the whip from K3.

"Oh hello again" he smiled sincerely before siting down in a chair Infront of me. "You really are in for a treat" he said before I felt a needle being pressed into me (Y'all know what I'm talking about?)

"AHHH" I looked down seeing needles in my stomach as the blood oozed out of me. I winced silently as the pain became more painful. "Whip him again" YB said lighting his blunt.

"My pleasure"


Wassup niglets I'm new and I just got a POV 💅🏾 anyways back to Mike.

I watched as Mike moved around in his sleep panting hard while tears ran down his face. He kept on mumbling random words until he started screaming.

"Mike" I said grabbing his hands. "MIKE" I said a little louder causing him to gasp and shoot up from the bed. He Looked around before sighing. "Another dream" I asked and he nodded.

Ever since he went to sleep he's been off and on with sleep worrying about Derek and Kobe.

"Tay I have to find them before they end up dead" He said jumping out of bed. "Know sit down, it's 5 in the morning" suddenly his phone rung and it was Mar.

"I know where they are" I heard Mar say threw the phone. "Where you at" Mike said back. "I'm on my way so you sit tight" Mar said back. "Ight" and with that Mike hung up.

"Now can you go back to sleep" I said" "fine"


Also this is what Taylynne looks like. (Not frfr tho)

 (Not frfr tho)

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Taylynne/ Tay

(Real info about Tay)

She's 5'3, light skin and has long type 4 hair (I don't know if that's the type of hair she has, I just went off of what Google said)

(Real info about Kea)

Kea is also another character in the story who wanted to play her self so just imagine a brown skin girl with brown eyes, and 5'3 she's also Funny and will beat your ass ☺️.

But yeah that's the chapter.

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