Questions - Solangelo

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"So, I have a few questions for you," Will said to Nico. Both boys were on the couch with Nico on his phone and his feet in Will's lap.

"Okay." Nico didn't set his phone down. Will threw a pillow at him successfully knocking the phone from his hands. Nico glared at him but made no move to grab the phone.

"First question!" Will announced dramatically. He looked at the paper making weird faces at some of the questions. Nico repositioned himself so that he was leaning against Will.

"Which one hogs the blanket?" Nico pointed to Will while Will pointed to Nico.

"You so hog the blanket. I'm over here colder than death!" Nico complained.

"You are death! Okay, next question because this topic could go on forever. Which one makes the other breakfast." Nico mumbled incoherently and Will nudged him. "Say it louder."

"You wake me up or bring me breakfast." Nico placed his head on Will's shoulder. Will looked through the questions before finding a good one.

"What is something I hate about myself that you love?" Nico thought for a moment and then brought a hand to Will's hair.

"Your glowing hair."

"I like the baby fat on your stomach," Will said. Nico gave a small smile and continued to play with Will's hair.

"What's one thing about me that you hate?"

"How you wake up early," Nico grumbled. It was his least favorite thing when the light was shining through his bedroom window at 6 in the morning.

"I don't like how you put yourself down." Nico glanced at the paper Will was holding.

"Can I ask one?"

"Sure." Nico looked through the questions before finding a good one.

"Where was our first kiss?"

"The lake! You almost tripped on a log and I caught you. You fell on top of me and I kissed you," Will said easily. It was his clearest and most precious memory. Will took the paper back into his hands. Nico grabbed Will's hand and scouted closer to his boyfriend.

"What is your favorite clothing article?"

"Well, you really like that one shirt with the wings attached to it," Nico said and Will agreed.

"Um, you really like your jacket or your ring, if that counts." Will looked at the paper. They had four questions left.

"Next, who likes sweet and who likes sour?" Nico raised his hand.

"Sweet," he pointed at Will, "Sour." Will blushed a little as he read the next question.

"Who wakes the other up with kisses." Nico pocked Will's cheek.

"You, definitely you." Will peaked Nico's lips.

"Who is tall and who is small?" Will grinned smugly at Nico.

"That's obvious," he mumbled. When seeing Will's face he blushed and turned away.

"Aw, I didn't mean it. It's okay if you're short." Will wrapped his arms around Nico's waist. They ended up with Will laying on top of Nico.

"Ask the next question," Nico grumbled. He pushed Will off and instead cuddled into his boyfriend's side.

"What are our nicknames for each other?" The pair thought for a moment.

"I call you a lot, but the most used are kitten, death breath, and darling," Will said. Nico thought for a second more.

"Um, there's sunshine. I don't have many nicknames for you."

"Their's significant annoyance," Will pointed out. Nico hummed in agreement and started caressing Will's palm. Will went red when reading the next question.

"I'm not asking that," he hissed and handed Nico the paper. Nico's eyes widened when reading it.

"I'm not asking it either." They sat in silence.

"Here I'll ask you a different question. Do you love me?" Will asked. Nico looked into his eyes.


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